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OUD 11g / 12c - While Configuring EUS and Connecting From OEM 13c to OUD, "Invalid credentials" Error (Doc ID 2402938.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 20, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle Unified Directory - Version to [Release 11g to 12c]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When trying to connect from OEM 13c to OUD for EUS configuration, an error message appears on the screen:

"Error: Invalid credentials"


Same credentials were working fine to connect to the database from OEM 12c.
Following errors are seen in OUD logs when connection comes from OEM 13c:

[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] CONNECT conn=703136 from=<IP>:31112 to=<IP>:1389 protocol=LDAP
[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] BIND REQ conn=703136 op=0 msgID=1 type=SASL mechanism=DIGEST-MD5 dn="" version=3
[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] BIND RES conn=703136 op=0 msgID=1 result=14 etime=1
[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] BIND REQ conn=703136 op=1 msgID=2 type=SASL mechanism=DIGEST-MD5 dn="" version=3
[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] BIND RES conn=703136 op=1 msgID=2 result=49 authFailureID=1310929 authFailureReason="SASL DIGEST-MD5 protocol error: SaslException(DIGEST-MD5: digest response format violation. Mismatched URI: ldap/<IP>; expecting: ldap/<FQDN>)" etime=0
[02/Apr/2018:06:05:38 -0700] DISCONNECT conn=703136 reason="Client Disconnect"




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