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Performance Issue On Oracle OAM Server Due To Audit.db (Doc ID 2429134.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 22, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Platform Security for Java - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle Access Manager 12c (OAM WLS Managed server (<WL_MANAGED_SERVER>) Getting Struck Threads When Running a Security Scan

Having Performance issue and stuck thread on one of the Production OAM Servers the web page URl Load with 20 second delay, disabling the audit.db will resolve the issue. After disabling the <serviceInstanceRef ref="audit.db"/> from jps-config.xml the performance for OAM and struck thread got resolved.

But do not want to disable the audit.db and want to know why the performance is degraded for OAM due to audit.db. And customer is looking for fix for the issue causing by audit.db. Here customer is using security scan which is causing stuck thread whenever the security scan is running. But the performance issue is happening when the security scan is not running.

Requirement: Only OAM EVENTS to be audited (No need OPSS EVENTS)


Reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Run DHS security scans
2. Access protected resource
3. Stuck threads show up after few hours



Stuck thread





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