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Attempting To Import A Portal Fails With : XML-20221: (Fatal Error) Invalid Char (Doc ID 2743654.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Portal - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Attempting to import a portal fails with the following error:



Importing from WLST using importWebCenterPortal command:


Starting portal import.

Portal(s) import started...

Adding connections...

...Import 25% complete...

Importing "<portal-name>"

Portal/Portal Template import operation failed. Cause of failures:
'<portal-name>': file:<file-path>/portal-entities.xml<Line 3356, Column 43>: XML-20221: (Fatal Error) Invalid char in text.
Check the WebCenter Portal log files for additional details.


Importing from WebCenter Portal UI:


Portal(s) import started...
Adding connections...
Importing "<portal-name>"

Failed importing "<portal-name" on the target.
Portal/Portal Template import operation failed. Cause of failures: '<portal-name': file:<file-path>/portal-entities.xml<Line 1809, Column 43>: XML-20221: (Fatal Error) Invalid char in text.



The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:


  1. Export the portal.
  2. Import the portal to a target instance.
    Here you will get the error.
  3. Extract the portal-entities.xml file from the portal export (.par) file.
  4. Review the portal-entities.xml file.
    Here you will see group entries with invalid / non-ASCII characters.
    Entries looks like this:

    <portalEntity type="oracle.webcenter.portal.persistence.MemberResource">
           <stringAttribute name="IsGroup">Y</stringAttribute>
           <stringAttribute name="UserId"><Group-id></stringAttribute>
           <stringAttribute name="UserGUID"><non-ASCII characters here></stringAttribute>
           <stringAttribute name="Name"><non-ASCII characters here></stringAttribute>
  5. Running the following query from the webcenter schema in the source instance shows the USER_GUID attribute for groups with invalid / non-ASCII characters.

    set pagesize 1000
    column MEMBER_TYPE format a11
    set markup html on
    spool space_members.html
    select s.SPACE_ID, s.DISPLAY_NAME, u.USER_ID,
             decode(is_group,'N','User','Group') Member_Type,
    where u.SPACE_ID = s.SPACE_ID
    order by SPACE_ID, Member_Type, USER_ID;
    spool off
    set markup html off



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