AD to OID 10g DIP Sync Of AD Empty Groups (Groups Created With No Member) Fails With "Attribute Member Has No Value" (Or "invalid name found" Message in Windows)
(Doc ID 471557.1)
Last updated on AUGUST 08, 2022
Applies to:
Oracle Internet Directory - Version 9.0.4 to 10.1.4 [Release 10gR1 to 10gR3]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Using Active Directory (AD) to Oracle Internet Directory (OID) DIP synchronization 10g.
Using a separate group sync profile as per <Note 287094.1>, and must use the domain editing rule
(i.e., cn=%,<user container,realm>) to flatten the DIT in OID, for example:
DomainRules OU=<OU1>,DC=<COMPANY>,dc=com:cn=<OU1>,cn=groups,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com:cn=%,cn=<OU1>,cn=groups,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com
In order to get the member DN mapped correctly, also using the trunc function to set the correct user container and realm and that works fine, for example:
member: : :group:uniquemember: :groupofUniqueNames:trunc(member,',')+",cn=users,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com"
Note: Please reference explanations and examples in <Note 261342.1> if needed.
Whenever the groups are created empty in AD, with no members / without any members at all, it causes the sync to fail and stop, and the following exception appears in the trace file:
searchF : (objectclass=group) CHGLOGFILTER : (&(USNChanged>=137811951)(USNChanged<=137812450)(objectclass=group)) Search Time 115 Search Successful till # 137812450 Search Changes Done Changenumber uSNChanged: 137811951 targetdn distinguishedName: CN=<GROUPNAME>,OU=<OU1>,DC=<COMPANY>,dc=com Attribute member has no value java.util.NoSuchElementException: Attribute member has no value at at oracle.ldap.odip.gsi.ActiveChgReader.createChangeRecord( at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute( at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping( at DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION Error in executing mapping DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute( at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping( at DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION AdGrpSync:Error in Mapping EngineDIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION DIP_GEN_CREATECHG_EXCEPTION at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.mapExecute( at oracle.ldap.odip.engine.AgentThread.execMapping( at AdGrpSync:about to Update exec status Updated Attributes orclodipLastExecutionTime: 20071130080036 orclodipConDirLastAppliedChgNum: 137811950 orclOdipSynchronizationStatus: Mapping Failure, Agent Execution Not Attempted orclOdipSynchronizationErrors: Updated Attributes orclodipLastExecutionTime: 20071130080036 orclodipConDirLastAppliedChgNum: 137811950 orclOdipSynchronizationStatus: Agent Execution Successful, Mapping/IMPORT operation Failure orclOdipSynchronizationErrors: Agent Execution Successful, Mapping/IMPORT operation Failure Ending Mapping execution.
Note: In Windows it may not throw an exception, but the group is not sync'd either and an
"invalid name found" message may appear at the bottom of the trace section cycle.
After adding a member to the group in AD, then the sync works fine and the group is then created without problems.
Also tried following editing rule, to see if could get the group owner when no member existed, but this does not help:
member|managedby: : :group:uniquemember: :groupofUniqueNames:trunc(member|managedby,',')+",cn=users,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com"
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