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TUX.ALL - CR020291 Documentation Request: Running tmloadcf as root when there's someone else's tuxconfig (Doc ID 766113.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Tuxedo - Version 6.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform




The manual page ubbconfig(5) states that if the UID parameter is not specified in the RESOURCES section, the value is
taken to be the effective user id of the user executing tmloadcf(1).  However, this does not appear to be true when a
tuxconfig file has previously been created by another user, and the current user runs tmloadcf as root.  The newly
created tuxconfig file has the wrong UID/GID info.  The UID gets set to the user who has created the previous,
overwritten version of tuxconfig.

For example, if User1 originally created the tuxconfig, and then:
1) User1 overwrites it --> No problem, of course.
2) User2 overwrites it --> UID/GID changes to User2's.
3) Root overwrites it --> UID/GID are still User1's (although it would be expected to be User2's).

The documentation for both ubbconfig(5) and tmloadcf(1) should be enhanced to state that this could happen when
running tmloadcf as 'root'.  It should also suggest that the user should remove the existing tuxconfig file before
running tmloadcf. 

ubbconfig(5) enhancements:

The sentence "If not specified, the value is taken to be the effective user id of the user executing
tmloadcf(1).",  should be changed to: 
"If not specified,  the value is taken to be the effective user id of the user executing tmloadcf(1) provided
that the id of the user is not 'root'. If the  user's id is 'root', the value is the effective user id of the original
creator of the tuxconfig file."

The sentence "If GID is not specified, the effective group id of the user executing tmloadcf(1) is used."
should be changed to:
"If GID is not specified,  the effective group id of the user executing tmloadcf(1) is used provided that the id
of the user is not 'root'. If the  user's id is 'root', the value is the effective group id of the original creator of
the tuxconfig file."

tuxconfig(1) enhancements:
Currently, the manual page states "The effective user identifier of the person running tmloadcf must match the
UID, if specified, in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file. "

The following should be added:
"However, when the UID has not been specified and a tuxconfig file was already created by a different user, it is
better to first remove the file before running tmloadcf.  This will avoid any UID/GID conflicts that could occur,
particularly if the user is running tmloadcf as 'root'."



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