JOLT 1.2 - Jolt SessionPool does not seem to throw any exceptions - CR 020824
(Doc ID 766179.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 08, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Tuxedo Jolt - Version 1.2 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform
DESCRIPTION: Jolt SessionPool does not seem to throw any exceptions. For example this code: import bea.jolt.*; import java.awt.*; public class simpclmain { public static void main (String argv[]) { JoltSessionAttributes MyAttributes; MyAttributes = new JoltSessionAttributes(); MyAttributes.setString(MyAttributes.APPADDRESS,"//hostname.domain:port#"); JoltSession MySession; MySession = new JoltSession(MyAttributes,null,null,null,null); JoltRemoteService MyService; MyService = new JoltRemoteService("TOUPPER",MySession); MyService.setStringItem("STRING",00,"samplestring");; MySession.endSession(); System.out.println("Question : TOUPPER?"); System.out.println("Answer: "+MyService.getStringItemDef("TRING",0,"it did not work")); System.exit(0); } } gives me this reply: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TRING at bea.jolt.JoltDefinition.getParam( at bea.jolt.JoltDefinition.name2p( at bea.jolt.JoltMessage.setItem( at bea.jolt.JoltMessage.setStringItem( at bea.jolt.JoltRemoteService.setStringItem( at simpclmain.main( The repository defines a TOUPPER service with one parameter called STRING , which is a string. but this code will not raise any exception: import bea.jolt.*; import bea.jolt.pool.*; public class Pho2 { public static void main(String argv[]) { try { String[] adresses = new String[1]; adresses[0] = "//hostname.domain:port#"; // creation du manager et du pool par defaut SessionPoolManager sessionPoolManager = new SessionPoolManager(); int i = sessionPoolManager.createSessionPool(adresses, null, 1, 3, new UserInfo(), null); SessionPool sessionPool = sessionPoolManager.getSessionPool(null); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); Result result=null; dataset.setValue("rhaine","coucou"); try { result ="TOUPPER", dataset, null); } catch(Exception Ex) { System.out.println("session"); Ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("dataset="+dataset); System.out.println("result ="+result); System.out.println("ApplicationCode="+(new Integer(result.getApplicationCode())).toString()); } catch(Exception Ex) { System.out.println(Ex.getMessage()); } } }
NOTE: The attribute values used in this article represent fictitious sample names that are made up as example. Any similarity to actual code, is purely coincidental and not intended in any other manner.
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