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RP/TUX 7.1 JOLT 1.2.1 - JOLT_CAT:1518 error repeats in userlog every SCANUNIT seconds - CR040854 (Doc ID 767075.1)

Last updated on JUNE 26, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Tuxedo Jolt - Version 8.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform



The JSH issues error message JSH.7242.1.-2: JOLT_CAT:1518: "ERROR: Call handle and clientid have no matching
requests" repeatedly in the userlog.  The message occurs every SCANUNIT seconds.  

If a Jolt client connected to a session pool times out (that is, the Jolt receive timeout expires),  this condition
can occur.  What seems to happen is that after the Jolt timeout, one of Tuxedo's timers, such as block time our
transaction time,  can expire.  The BBL then sends a message to the JSH.  The JSH receives the message; however, the
Jolt client is already gone.  So, the JSH writes the JOLT_CAT:1518 error every SCANUNIT seconds into the userlog until
the JSH is shut down.  

The impact of this problem is that the userlog fills up with the JOLT_CAT:1518 messages.  Also, the session that was
tied to the problem JSH becomes unuseable.  Eventually, the session pool can reach its session limit.


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