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How to Read and Write BLOB Columns with Different APIs Using Different Versions of the Oracle JDBC Driver (Doc ID 873612.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 12, 2022

Applies to:

JDBC - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document explains all APIs currently available to read from BLOB columns and to write to BLOB columns and the relationship of the APIs to distinct versions of the Oracle JDBC Driver and JDBC specifications.


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In this Document
 1. Proprietary Locator Based BLOB API Of The Oracle JDBC Driver (available since Oracle JDBC Driver 8.1.x)
 2. Proprietary Locator Based BLOB API Of The Oracle JDBC Driver With Temporary LOB Enhancement (available since Oracle JDBC Driver 9.0.1)
 3. JDBC Standard API For The Data Type LONGVARBINARY
 4. JDBC Standard API PreparedStatement.setBytes(...) and ResultSet.getBytes(...) Used On BLOBs
 5. JDBC 3.0 Standard API For The Data Type BLOB
 6. JDBC 3.0 Standard API For The Data Type BLOB With Proprietary Temporary LOB Enhancement
 7. JDBC 3.0 Standard API For The Data Type BLOB With JDBC 4.0 Enhancement To Create a Temporary LOB

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