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CMT and Sample XML (Doc ID 1119843.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version to [Release 7.4.0 to 7.5.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This article answers some Frequently Asked Questions about CMT data migration and gives some sample XMLs.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Can pin_cmt load account data in steps?
 Question: The documentation and the sample_data provided by BRM describes loading an account including the purchased products. Account balances can be loaded separately with another xml file. 
 Instead of loading customer data using one xml file per account, we would like to split it in the following steps, with purchased product loaded separately:
 step-1 : load account number, name, billinfo, bal grp with an example file name account_info.xml
 step-2 : Payment details with an example account_payinfo.xml
 step-3 : service and purchased products with an example account_service_and_products.xml
 These XMLs are just an example, to provide more clarity in describing the approach. Is it possible to load these steps using pin_cmt? Do you have any sample xmls for the above ? How do we link the purchased products to an account that has been loaded earlier?
 What is the relation between account numbers and the account poid?
 Question: In the XML file we specify an account reference number and the CMT tool generates the account poid. Where is the mapping stored in the database, where is the reference number and corresponding poid stored in the database? Is there any table that holds this information?
 Is there a sample xml to load previous bills, invoice and payment information for migration to V7.4? 
 Question: We want to migrate data from a non-BRM legacy system to 7.4. We want to load previous bills/invoice, payments detail of a customer from legacy to 7.4. Is there any sample xml provided to load this information? 

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