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Users Are Seeing Multiple Instance Data In CP Views Even With Organization Security Rules Setup (Doc ID 1160493.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 09, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Collaborative Planning - Version 12.0 to 12.1.3 [Release 12 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.0.6 in Test

Users have two instances defined:
SOP - For Demantra
PRD - For Manufacturing

The same organizations are listed and they run data collection for both instances. The users are using Collaborative Planning. As such the data from both instances is being collected over to CP. Users started to see duplicate records after implementation on the second Instance (SOP). Users want to see only records for the Instance: PRD in Collaborative Planning. However the system shows two records for one entity ( i.e for one PO system shows two records with same qty, one record in PRD the other in SOP in the Horizontal View, Vertical View and VMI CP views

Users want to change the view or change query in such a way that planners can only see PRD records. Currently the two records PRD and SOP are confusing vendor users. Users will also be using CP for customers and believe this will cause confusion as well.

Users tried on a previous SR to use groups vis msc_st_groups but this is not allowed as they are not collecting data from a legacy system, they are collecting from ERP source instances already defined. They checked user preferences and security rules but there's no setup that assigns to a specific instance. They only want to see the instance date for instance = PRD in Collaborative Planning.

Expect to be able to filter records by instance and only see PRD instance data

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Define two instances in ASCP - one for Demantra the other for Manufacturing
2. Run Collections
3. Select responsibility Supply Chain Collaboration Planner
4. Click on Horizontal View, Vertical View, or VMI
5. For Horizontal View or VMI enter Supplier Name. For Vertical View enter Item Name.
6. Click on Go. See two sets of instance data

Is there a setup/organization security/etc... that will resolve this problem?


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