PI BPL Error Message "NACK:69-Response timeout from trigger daemon for <BPL name>" when No Response Received from smsTrigDaemon within 10 Seconds
(Doc ID 1297857.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 01, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 4.3.0 and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
If a PIprocess does not receive a response from the smsTrigDaemon process within 10 seconds, for a PI BPL command, then the PIprocess will time out the transaction and generate the following error message in the /IN/service_packages/PI/tmp/PImanager.log file.
BPL (Business Process Logic) functionality provides the ability to access the power of Advanced Control Services (ACS) functionality by using the PI (Provisioning Interface) to trigger a control plan (via smsTrigDaemon) on an SLC (Service Logic Controller) node (via xmlTcapInterface).
For further background reference reading on BPL please refer to the following documentation:
CCS Task Management User Guide
CCS Technical Guide
PI User and Technical Guide
SMS Technical Guide (re: smsTrigDaemon)
If you do not have the relevant documentation then see <note 1341844.1> - How to Download Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC/NCC) Documentation.
Below is a simple sequence diagram to better illustrate the logical flow that causes this NACK (Not Acknowledged) error message to be generated.
the highlighted alternative section above shows both a successful and timed-out PI response sequence (3 and 4).
The PIprocess and smsTrigDaemon processes run on the SMS (Service Management Server), with the xmlTcapInterface process(es) running on SLCs.
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