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OCA FAQ (Doc ID 1316603.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications ASAP - Version 4.6.3 to 7.0.1 [Release 4.6 to 7.0.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document covers frequent queries on the usage of the OCA application from ASAP release 4.7 to 7.0.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Q.1. What are the ThirdParty Tools/ Softwares required to use OCA application in ASAP?
 Q.2. Which OS And Browser Versions Does ASAP 7 OCA Support?
 Q.3. Is OCA Client Supported On Windows 7?
 Q.4. Does ASAP 7.0.1 Support Windows 7+Ie7 For The OCA Client?
 Q.5. Can OCA client run on 64 bit machine ? Can the OCA Client be run using a 64-bit JVM ?
 Q.6. How to set password policy for OCA accounts ?
 Q.7. How To Unregister And Re-register OCA Corba Server To Orbix Daemon and starting orbixd and corba server for OCA?
 Q.8. How To Set Date Format In OCA Web Client? It always has the date format as dd/mm/yyyy. Is it possible to set it automatically to mm/dd/yyyy format?
 Q.9.Is there a way to force password complexity rules for OCA user?
 Q.10. Why Is OCA's Due Date Value The Server Time Plus An Hour?
 Q.11. Does OCA Client support HTTPS?
 Q.12. OCA Client Does Not Reconnect After Restart Of ASAP?
 Q.13.OCA Not Showing Work Orders On Completion Date But is Showing On Due Date. Is this correct?
 Q.14. In ASAP 5.2.4 the source code for OCA can be found at "/srvrs/ag/$DEV_ENV/oca_sys_if/client/java". Does ASAP 7 provides the source code for OCA as the previous versions do? Please confirm.
 Q.15. Is There Any Mechanism To Get Log Messages In The OCA GUI?
 Q.16. From which tables does the OCA pull the CSDL and CSDL parameters/values to create a work order?
 Q.17. No information is being displayed in the OCA GUI despite using these APIs - DiagnosisLogger.logDebug(),DiagnosisLogger.logError(),Diagnostic.diag() & Diagnosis.diag()-Unable To See Any Log Information In OCA GUI -Why?
 Q.18.ASDL is always displayed twice in the "ASDL History" in OCA, one with status 14 and one with status 10. Is this a normal behavior?
 Q.19. A work order was executed from the OCA client for the default cartridge deployed with ASAP. The ASDLs are listed twice in the OCA client with different 'Status' but same 'Sequence ID'.
 Can you explain this scenario?
 What is the significance of 'Status' and 'Sequence ID' ?
 Why do the ASDLs appear twice in the list ?
 Q.20. The OCA Client does not appear to capture OSS/J submitted order event messages, even if subscribed to all messages-why?
 Q.21. After Enabling VNO And Setting Appropriate VNO_ID_DEFAULT Are OCA Orders Recorded With A VNO_ID?
 Q.22. Handle Or Retry Failover Work Order Using OCA.How can we use OCA to re-initiate the Failed WO? What are the steps to achieve this?
 Q.23. We need to know if ASAP 5.2.4 supports Internet Explorer 6 ?

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