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Constrained Ascp Plan Taking More Than 9 Hours To Run When Days Bucket Exceeds 20 Days in SCO lp5 (Doc ID 1343965.1)

Last updated on JULY 06, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Executable:MSONWA64 - Memory Based Planner 64-bit AIX


On : 12.1.3 version, Constrained planning in CRP

Users are on 12.1.3 base apps and applied patch 9771731 and have applied one off patch 12426868 to get the following 64 bit executable:

MSONWA64.exe 120.16.12010000.50

Users are running an ECC constrained plan with aggregation 50 days/6 weeks/2 periods. They are planning with 50 days minute buckets but no hours/days. 5 orgs being planned. When they run this plan it takes approximately 9 hours to run the plan and most of the time is being taken solving lp5 in MSONWA64 - Memory Based Planner 64 bit AIX:

Launched concurrent request 899468 for E_LAUNCH_UI_POSTPROC
..Total Planning Time 447:50
Total memory usage: 819104

This log alone took about 7.5 hours

Specific area that took a lont time in the log was:

Solve LP t = 24987 seconds.

Successfully solved lp5
zzz Objective = 0.00000000000000000000e+00
solve lp 5, take time: 24988
Solving Transportation Capacity Violation Penalty Objective
No objective present in lp6
solve lp 6, take time: 0
Solving Supplier Capacity Violation Penalty Objective
No objective present in lp7
solve lp 7, take time: 0
Solving Demand Satisfaction Objective
No objective present in lp8
solve lp 8, take time: 0
Solving Demand Satisfaction Objective
presolve indicator: 1
adv start indicator: 0
Found an Optimal solution.

About 6.94 hours on lp5 all by itself!!!

...Optimization completed 430:49 (SCO)
....Scheduling completed 12:55 (HLS)
...Generate data completed 15:45 (MBP)

Things tried and some did help performance:

1. If the plan aggregation is 20 days or less, the plan completes in about 50 minutes

2. From Note 747739.1 - they tried the following profiles but it didn't help:

Profile MSO: Maximum Operations Per Slice = 3000. They changed to 25000
Profile MSO: Allow Schedule Gaps for Shared Supplies = No. They changed it to Yes
Profile MSO: Use SCO Time Aggregation = No. They changed it to Yes
Profile MSO: Optimization Daily Aggregation Buckets = NULL. They changed it to 60
Profile MSO: Optimization Weekly Aggregation Buckets = Null. They changed it to 8

3. We unchecked Net WIP Jobs on Org in copy Plan definition and that plan completed within 50 min using daily bucket = 50 days.

4. We can run the plan setting profile MSO: Number of Threads for Optimization from 1 to 2 and run the plan with 50 daily buckets, it runs in about 90 minutes total which is acceptable for now. They don't understand the hanging in lp5 for such a long period

This looks very similar to same customer in Bug 10347015 had before and fixed file was msopmmd2.lcc-120.136.12010000.121 and MSONWA64.exe 120.16.12010000.43 but customer now has msopmmd2.lcc 120.136.12010000.130 and MSONWA64.exe 120.16.12010000.50 which are both higher. This bug is fixed in code line

Expect the plan to run in 90 minutes or less and not hang on lp5

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Run ECC Constrained Plan with 50 daily buckets
2. Performance is bad - up to 9 hours
3. Found multiple workarounds that seem to help, some don't


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