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UPGRADE: Multi Rum for Cycle Events (Doc ID 1372785.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


- A currency balance impact. This should be prorated based on how long a product is active in an accounting cycle. If cycle forward charges are $30 and if customer activated the product/service on 10th Oct and DOM is 1st of the month, $20 should be charged if account gets created. When account gets inactivated on 15th Oct, $15 should be returned. When account again gets activated on 20th Oct, $10 should be charged. If account is active till 1st Nov, total $15 should be charged

- A non currency balance impact. Say product gives 30GB per month. This should NOT be prorated. At the time of purchase, full 30 GB should be given irrespective of when product is purchased during accounting cycle. Additionally, irrespective of how many times an account is activated within accounting cycle, 30 GB should be given only ONCE in an accounting cycle. i.e. if account gets created on 10th Oct with DOM 1, it should give 30 GB. If account gets inactivated on 15th Oct, it should return 0. If account again gets activated on 20th Oct, nothing should NOT give 30 GB again as in this accounting cycle, 30GB is already given. If account is active till 1st Nov, total of only 30GB should be given in an accounting cycle.

- This requirement is not just for accounting cycle in which account gets created. This is generic requirement during life cycle of account (i.e. same logic applies for each accounting cycle).
- If account gets inactivated on 25th Oct and activated on 5th Nov, since 1st Nov to 1st Dec is new accounting cycle, 30 GB should be given.

The behavior of proration is as below depending on options selected in Proration Tab of rate plan and Proration (P) check box in rate balance impact.

1) Charge for entire cycle is selected for both Purchase/Cancel in Proration Tab and 'P' is unchecked.

2) 'Charge based on amount' radio button is selected in Proration Tab and 'P' is unchecked.
- This gives 30 GB whenever account gets activated. When account gets inactivated in middle of cycle it is returning only ZERO amount. But, when account gets activated again within same accounting cycle, 30GB is given again which is unexpected behavior.

To achieve this with single rate plan, one of Proration Tab options must be selected for currency resource. But, this will not satisfy non-currency resource requirement.

What is the alternative way to achieve it with out using Multi-Rum.


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