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In UIM, Business Interaction Calls the Same Rule-set Twice. (Doc ID 1570307.1)

Last updated on MAY 02, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management - Version 7.2.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The issue is related to CaptureInteraction. This issue can happen when submitting a Business Interaction through Webservice request.
The Webservice request contained 2 Business items, each one is a different specification type.
And, for each specification type, a different rule-set must be triggered.
However, only one rule-set is triggered twice.

STEPS ----

To reproduce this issue it is necessary to follow the steps bellow:

Set the environment:

1. Create a UIM cartridge containing 2 different Business Item (BI) specifications
2. Create a rule-set for each BI specification
3. Create two ExtensionPoints assigning each rule-set to each one. The extension point must be BaseConfigurationManager_automateConfiguration
4. Through the rules Tab of BI specification window, assign each BI specification to its correspondent extension point
5. Deploy the cartridge into your UIM environment

Executing the test:

1. Create WSDL request for the CaptureInteraction Webservice call
2. The request must contain two Business Items
3. For each BusinessItem elements inside the request, add the same ID value for the <invnt:externalObjectId> tag
4. Submit the request

Results: Only one rule-set will be executed twice
Expected result: Each rule-set should be executed separately.

Note: the namespace invnt of the <invnt:externalObjectId> tag refers to ""


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