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ASAP Fails To Set The Interval To Connect To A Network Element (Doc ID 1670088.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 11, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications ASAP - Version 5.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When ASAP cannot successfully connect to a Network Element, and there are orders to be sent to the network element, ASAP will keep pinging the network element by reconnecting. However ASAP is failing to set the interval between each reconnection attempt.

The following has been tried:

1. At the order level, asdlRetryInterval is set in the order data:
  the values have been written into the tbl_wrk_ord table accordingly.

2. At the NE configuration level, Retry count and Retry Interval are set in Design Studio.
  A warning message is shown in Design Studio as Retry not supported - Retry has been configured, but is not supported in release 7.2.
  In the tbl_ne_config table, REQUEST_RETRY_NUMBER field is set properly, but the REQUEST_RETRY_INTERVAL field is set to 0.

3. At the ASDL level, retry count and interval are not set.

4. At the ASAP.cfg leve, RETRY_TIME_INTERVAL, CONNECT_FAIL_DELAY and IO_ASDL_RETRY are set as follows :


However the interval between the reconnections stays at 120 seconds with no change.




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