How to split Data Tier to use Different Replication Partitions
(Doc ID 1672049.1)
Last updated on NOVEMBER 09, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Converged Application Server - Version 4.0.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
In some cases, the bottleneck of an application built on top of Oracle Communications Converged Application Server (OCCAS) server can be the time to access information stored on the replica, such as a SipApplicationSession, e.g. when several threads attempt to lock the same CallState object on a given replica when using a replicated environment.
This document aims to explain how one can split an existing replicated domain with an data tier consisting of two replicas and one partition into two partitions each having its own two replicas.
This is helpful for various reasons:
- To split session replication traffic across multiple physical machines.
- To split RAM usage across multiple physical machines.
- To test call state lock contention issues caused by application design decisions that might only occur in environments with multiple replication partitions.
If there are multiple engines and a thread dump on engine side shows many threads waiting in doLockAndGet() method calls, one reason could be that multiple engines try to access the same call states. Another reason could be some resource limitations in the communication between engines and replicas. A split will help in case of resource limitations but will not help if too many threads and engines try to access the same call states, Sip Application Sessions, Sip Sessions, or Diameter Sessions.
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