Oracle® Health Sciences Argus Mart Data 8.0 Release Notes
(Doc ID 1930215.1)
Last updated on JULY 13, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Life Sciences Empirica SignalInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle® Health Sciences Argus Mart Data 8.0 Release Notes.
Oracle® Health Sciences Argus Mart Data
Release Notes
Release 8.0
September 2014
This document includes the following sections:
These release notes describe the Argus Mart data for use with Empirica™ Signal release 8.0 and higher.
New in the Argus Mart 7.0.3 Release
The data configurations shipped with this release have been changed as follows. If you already have Empirica Signal data configurations for Argus Mart, you may want to make these changes as well.
The variables in the following table were added:
Configuration Variable | Table | Column |
(Case/derived) Event List | SM_CASE | EVENT_LIST_DV |
(Dose) Case Number | SM_DOSE | CASE_NUM |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Family Name | SM_DOSE | PROD_EXPOS_FAMILY_NAME_DV |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Generic Name | SM_DOSE | PROD_EXPOS_GENERIC_NAME_DV |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Name | SM_DOSE | PROD_EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_DV |
(Dose) Total Regimen Dosage | SM_DOSE | TOTAL_REG_DOSE |
(Dose) ValidEnd | SM_DOSE | VALIDEND |
(Dose) ValidStart | SM_DOSE | VALIDSTART |
(Drug/derived) Preferred PSUR Product Name | SM_PRODUCT | PREF_PSUR_PRODUCT_NAME |
The drilldown map was enhanced:
EVENT_LIST_DV added to drilldown type LIST
EVENT_DIAGNOSIS_VE added to drilldown type EVENT
Case Number variables are now available for querying.
MedDRA Standardized MedDRA Query (SMQ) Support
The Argus Mart data includes the assignment of SMQs based on criteria defined in the Introductory Guide for Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs) Version x.y, published by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations.
The SMQ support is as follows:
Narrow and broad definitions of SMQs are implemented.
Select Algorithmic SMQs are implemented.
The event variable (Event/SMQ) PT_plus_SMQ includes values for all PTs and SMQs associated with each report, where the SMQ records have been inserted into the data as part of data preparation. Event variable (Event/Narrow SMQ) PT_plus_Narrow_SMQ provides only PTs and Narrow SMQ data for data mining, querying, and reporting.
Note: There are no hierarchy values for SMQs in data mining results. Also, the prepared source data does not have hierarchy values for SMQs; thus hierarchy values for SMQs do not appear in second-level drilldown (the Case Details page). Also note that SMQs do not appear in the MedDRA Hierarchy Browser. |
Calculations made by MGPS data mining runs are not affected by the addition of SMQ values in the Argus Mart data.
The following documents are available from the Empirica Signal and Topics Online Help when you access the help topic Release Notes and Other Documents (under Getting Started in the Table of Contents for the Help):
Introductory Guide for Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs) Version x.y
Introductory Guide MedDRA Version x.y
Argus Mart Data Tables and Views
The primary tables in the Argus Mart Data account are:
Table | Type of Data |
SM_CASE | Demographic |
SM_CAUSE_OF_DEATH | Cause of death |
SM_DOSE | Dosing |
SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ | PT plus all SMQs |
SM_EVENT_PRODUCT | Event-Product |
SM_INDICATIONS | Indications |
SM_INGREDIENTS | Ingredients |
SM_LAB | Lab |
SM_NARRATIVE | Narratives |
SM_NEONATES | Neonate |
SM_PARENT_INFO | Parent information |
SM_PAT_HIST | Patient History |
SM_PRODUCT | Product |
SM_REPORTERS | Reporter |
Additional Views
SM_PRODUCT table has a view that excludes records for concomitant drugs:
Table or View Name | Suspect? | Concomitant? |
SM_PRODUCT table | P | P |
SM_PRODUCT_S view | P |
SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table views exclude or include different SMQs:
Table or View Name | PTs | Narrow SMQs? | Broad SMQs? | Alg. SMQs? |
SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table | P | P | P | P |
SM_EVENT view | P |
Data Configurations
The Argus Mart data release includes the following configurations:
Standard Configuration | Description |
ARGUS (S) | All ARGUS datamart cases. Suspect products only. |
ARGUS (S + C) | All ARGUS datamart cases. Suspect and concomitant products only. |
Tip: The (S) or (S + C) abbreviation in the configuration name indicates whether that configuration includes only records for drugs that are identified as Suspect (S) in the report, or records for both the Suspect drugs and Concomitant drugs (S + C). |
For a complete list of the variables that are included in configurations, see Data Mining Table Schema.
For a complete list of the variables available for inclusion in configurations, see the Oracle Argus Mart ETL Mapping Document.
Data Mining Table Schema
The following tables and views have been prepared for use with data mining. The standard Empirica Signal data configurations (described above) are based on these tables.
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_CASE table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Case) Blinding Status | UNBLINDING_STATUS_VE | Study blinding status |
(Case) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Case) Conmed List | CONMED_LIST_DV | Concomitant medication list |
(Case) Country of Incidence | COUNTRY_VE | Country in which the case occurred |
(Case) Device Case YN | DEVICE_CASE_YN | Y/N: Case has at least one suspect device |
(Case) Drug Case YN | DRUG_CASE_YN | Y/N: Case has at least one suspect drug |
(Case) Followup Date | FOLLOWUP_DATE | Date of follow-up |
(Case) Followup Number | REV | Case follow-up number |
(Case) Initial Report Date | INIT_REPT_DATE | Date first reported |
(Case) Listedness | LISTEDNESS_VE | Case listedness |
(Case) Outcome | EVT_OUTCOME_VE | Case outcome |
(Case) Patient Ethnicity | ETHNICITY_VE | Patient Ethnicity |
(Case) Patient Height cm | PAT_HEIGHT_CM | Patient height in centimeters |
(Case) Patient Weight Kg | PAT_WEIGHT_KG | Patient weight in kilograms |
(Case) Pregnancy | PREGNANCY_VE | Pregnancy case (Yes/No/UNK/NA) |
(Case) Protocol Number | PROTOCOL_NUM | Case protocol number |
(Case) Report Type | REPORT_TYPE_VE | Type of report (spontaneous, clinical trial, etc.) |
(Case) Seriousness Text | SERIOUSNESS_TEXT_DV | Seriousness text |
(Case) Study Description | STUDY_DESC | Case study description |
(Case) Study Name | BLIND_NAME | Study name |
(Case) Study Number | STUDY_NUM | Case study number |
(Case) Study Phase | DEV_PHASE_VE | Case study phase |
(Case) Study Type | STUDY_TYPE_VE | Case study type |
(Case) SUSAR Case YN | SUSAR_YN_VE | Y/N: SUSAR case |
(Case) Vaccine Case YN | VACCINE_CASE_YN | Y/N: Case has at least one suspect vaccine |
(Case) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Case) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Case/derived) AgeGroup3 | AGE_GROUP_3_DV | Age group in years: 00_64, 65_above, UNK |
(Case/derived) AgeGroup4 | AGE_GROUP_4_DV | Age group in years: 00_17, 18_64, 65_above, UNK |
(Case/derived) AgeGroup9 | AGE_GROUP_9_DV | Age group in years: 00_01, 02_04, 05_12, 13_17, 18_45, 46_64, 65_74, 75_above, UNK |
(Case/derived) Event List | EVENT_LIST_DV | List of preferred terms. (S) indicates serious; (U) indicates unlisted for primary suspect drug. Listedness is determined by CDS listedness for trial reports, otherwise CORE listedness. |
(Case/derived) Fatal YN | FATAL_YN_DV | Y/N: Case is fatal |
(Case/derived) HCP YNU | HCP_YNU_DV | Y/N/U: Indicates if case has at least one reporter who is a Health Professional |
(Case/derived) Last Significant Update | LAST_SIGNIF_UPDATE_DV | Date associated with the last significant followup for the case |
(Case/derived) Last Significant Update Month | LAST_SIGNIF_UPDATE_MONTH_DV | Subset month associated with the last significant followup for the case |
(Case/derived) Last Significant Update Quarter | LAST_SIGNIF_UPDATE_QUARTER_DV | Subset quarter associated with the last significant followup for the case. These quarters follow Schedule A. |
(Case/derived) Last Significant Update Week | LAST_SIGNIF_UPDATE_WEEK_DV | Subset ISO week associated with the last significant followup for the case |
(Case/derived) Patient Age Years | AGE_YEARS_DV | Age converted to years |
(Case/derived) Patient BMI | BMI_DV | Patient body mass index |
(Case/derived) Patient Gender | GENDER_CLEAN_VE | Patient's sex (F/M/U) , with NULL converted to U |
(Case/derived) Received Half Year | RECEIVED_HALFYEAR_DV | Half-year of initial date of report (e.g., 200306, 200312, etc.) |
(Case/derived) Received Month | RECEIVED_MONTH_DV | Month of initial date of report (e.g., 200304) |
(Case/derived) Received Quarter | RECEIVED_QUARTER_DV | Quarter-year of initial date of report (e.g., 200303, 200306, etc.) |
(Case/derived) Received Year | RECEIVED_YEAR_DV | Year of initial date of report |
(Case/derived) Seriousness YN | SERIOUSNESS_VE | Y/N: Case is serious |
(Case/derived) STANDARD_STRATA | STANDARD_STRATA_AG9_DV | Gender + agegroup9 + received year |
(Case/derived) STANDARD_STRATA_AG4 | STANDARD_STRATA_AG4_DV | Gender + agegroup4 + received year |
(Case/derived) STANDARD_STRATA_ARGUS | STANDARD_STRATA_DV | Gender + ARGUS agegroup + received |
(Case/derived) Subset_3Year_Group | SUBSET_3YEAR_GROUP_DV | Data up to 2000 lumped together in a single group. Post 2000 categorizes reports into three year groups (as in [2001-2003]) based on the initial date |
(Case/derived) Subset_Month | SUBSET_MONTH_DV | Month of initial date of report. Dates prior to 2000 grouped together into larger sets |
(Case/derived) Subset_Quarter | SUBSET_QUARTER_DV | Quarter of initial date of report, following Schedule A. Dates prior to 2000 are grouped together into larger sets |
(Case/derived) Subset_Week | SUBSET_WEEK_DV | ISO week of initial date of report. Dates prior to 2000 are grouped together into larger sets |
(Case/derived) Subset_Year | SUBSET_YEAR_DV | Year of initial date of report. Dates prior to 2000 are grouped together into larger sets |
(Case/derived) Suspect Drug List | SUSPDRUG_LIST_DV | List of suspect products. (P) indicates primary suspect product. * indicates company product. |
(Case/derived) Treatment List | TREATMENT_LIST_DV | List of treatment products |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_CAUSE_OF_DEATH table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Cause of Death) Autopsy Results | RESULTS_VE | Status of autopsy results |
(Cause of Death) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Cause of Death) Cause of Death Autopsy | CAUSE_AUTOPSY | Autopsy cause of death |
(Cause of Death) Cause of Death Reported | CAUSE_REPTD | Death cause as reported |
(Cause of Death) Cause Type | CAUSE_TYPE_VE | Cause of death / autopsy result |
(Cause of Death) Date of Death | DEATH_DATE | Date of death |
(Cause of Death) Detailed Cause of Death | DETAILED_CAUSE | Detailed cause of death |
(Cause of Death) HLGT | CAUSE_HLGT | Death cause HLGT |
(Cause of Death) HLT | CAUSE_HLT | Death cause HLT |
(Cause of Death) SOC | CAUSE_SOC | Death cause SOC |
(Cause of Death) Sort ID | CAUSE_SORT_ID | Cause of death sort order |
(Cause of Death) Term Type | TERM_TYPE_VE | Term type |
(Cause of Death) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Cause of Death) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_DOSE table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Dose) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Family Name | PROD_EXPOS_FAMILY_NAME_DV | Product family name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Generic Name | PROD_EXPOS_GENERIC_NAME_DV | Product generic name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Dose/derived) Product Exposure Name | PROD_EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_DV | Product name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Dose) Total Regimen Dosage | TOTAL_REG_DOSE | Total dosage regimen as reported |
(Dose) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Dose) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_EVENT_PRODUCT table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Event Drug) As Determined Causality | DET_CAUSALITY_VE | As determined causality |
(Event Drug) As Reported Causality | RPT_CAUSALITY_VE | As reported causality |
(Event Drug) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Event Drug) Dechallenge | DECHALLENGE_VE | Dechallenge |
(Event Drug) Description Reported | DESC_REPTD | Description reported |
(Event Drug) Event Sequence Number | EVENT_SEQ_NUM | Event sequence number |
(Event Drug) Listedness Company Data Sheet | LISTEDNESS_CDS_VE | Event/product listedness from company datasheet |
(Event Drug) Listedness Core Data Sheet | LISTEDNESS_CORE_VE | Event/product listedness from core data sheet |
(Event Drug) Maximum Stop Dose Date | MAX_STOP_DATETIME_DV | Latest stop dose date |
(Event Drug) Minimum Start Dose Date | MIN_START_DATETIME_DV | Earliest start dose date |
(Event Drug) Onset Date | ONSET_DATE | Onset date of event |
(Event Drug) Onset Delay | ONSET_DELAY | Onset delay from last dosage |
(Event Drug) Onset Latency | OFFSET_LATENCY_TEXT_DV | Onset latency from first dosage |
(Event Drug) Onset Latency Text | ONSET_LATENCY_TEXT_DV | Onset latency text |
(Event Drug) Product Sequence Number | PROD_SEQ_NUM | Product sequence number |
(Event Drug) PT | PT | Event Preferred Term |
(Event Drug) Rechallenge YNU | RECHALLENGE_VE | Y/N/U: Rechallenge |
(Event Drug) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Event Drug) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Event Drug/derived) Family Name | PROD_EXPOS_FAMILY_NAME_DV | Product family name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Event Drug/derived) Generic Name | PROD_EXPOS_GENERIC_NAME_DV | Product generic name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Event Drug/derived) Product Name | PROD_EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_DV | Product name, with exposure name for known study products |
The SM_EVENT view on the SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table is created using the following SQL WHERE clause:
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_EVENT view on the SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Event) Associated with Rechallenge YN | RECHALL_RELATED_YN_VE | Y/N: Associated with rechallenge |
(Event) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Event) Congenital Anomaly YN | SERIOUS_CONGEN_ANOM_VE | Y/N: Event congenital anomaly seriousness criteria |
(Event) Death YN | SERIOUS_DEATH_VE | Y/N: Event death seriousness criteria |
(Event) Detail | DETAILS_LT | Event detail |
(Event) Disability YN | SERIOUS_DISABLE_VE | Y/N: Event disability seriousness criteria |
(Event) Event Diagnosis YN | EVENT_DIAGNOSIS_VE | Y/N: Event diagnosis |
(Event) Event Outcome | EVENT_OUTCOME_VE | Event outcome |
(Event) Frequency | EVT_FREQ_VE | Event frequency |
(Event) HLGT | EVENT_HLGT | Event High Level Group Term |
(Event) HLT | EVENT_HLT | Event High Level Term |
(Event) Hospitalized YN | SERIOUS_HOSP_VE | Y/N: Event hospitalized seriousness criteria |
(Event) Intensity | EVENT_INTENSITY_VE | Event intensity |
(Event) Lack of Efficacy YN | EFFICACY_YN_VE | Y/N: Lack of efficacy |
(Event) Life-threatening YN | SERIOUS_LIFE_THREAT_VE | Y/N: Event life-threatening seriousness criteria |
(Event) LLT | EVENT_LLT | Event Lower Level Term |
(Event) Medically Serious YN | MED_SERIOUS_VE | Y/N: Medically serious event |
(Event) Onset Date | ONSET_DATE | Onset date of event |
(Event) Other Details | SC_OTHER_TEXT | Details of other seriousness criteria |
(Event) Other YN | SERIOUS_OTHER_VE | Y/N: Event other seriousness criteria |
(Event) Patient Prior History YNU | PAST_HIST_VE | Y/N/U: Patient has prior history? |
(Event) PT | EVENT_PT | Event Preferred term |
(Event) Req Intervention YN | SERIOUS_INTERVENTION_VE | Y/N: Event intervention seriousness criteria |
(Event) Sequence Number | EVENT_SEQ_NUM | Event sequence number |
(Event) Serious YN | EVENT_SERIOUSNESS_VE | Y/N: Event seriousness |
(Event) SOC | SOC | Event System Organ Class |
(Event) SOC Abbrev | EVENT_SOC | Event System Organ Class abbreviation |
(Event) Sort ID | EVENT_SORT_ID | Event sort order |
(Event) Treatment Received YNU | TREATED_YNU_VE | Y/N/U: Treatment received |
(Event) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Event) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Event/derived) Duration Text | EVENT_DURATION_TEXT_DV | Text describing duration of event. Calculated by Argus from onset date to event stop date |
(Event/derived) Onset Delay | ONSET_DELAY_TEXT_DV | Text describing onset delay from last dosage |
(Event/derived) Onset Latency | ONSET_LATENCY_TEXT_DV | Text describing onset latency from first dosage |
(Event/derived) Seriousness Criteria | EVENT_SERIOUSNESS_TEXT_DV | Summary of event seriousness criteria. Combination of the letters FLMDCIHO, for fatal, life threat, med significant, disability, congen anom, intervention, hosp, other |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Event/SMQ) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Event/SMQ) PT_plus_SMQ | EVENT_PT | PT or SMQ Name; includes narrow, broad, and 5 algorithmic SMQs |
(Event/SMQ) Term Type | EVENT_TYPE | Type of term: PT/SMQ |
(Event/SMQ) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Event/SMQ) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
The SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ_NARROW view on the SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ table is created using the following SQL WHERE clause:
As a result, the PT_plus_Narrow_SMQ variable offered by this view includes MedDRA preferred terms and narrow standardized MedDRA queries for data mining. Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_EVENT_PLUS_SMQ_NARROW view follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Event/Narrow SMQ) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Event/Narrow SMQ) PT_plus_Narrow_SMQ | EVENT_PT | PT or Narrow SMQ Name |
(Event/Narrow SMQ) Term Type | EVENT_TYPE | Type of term: PT/SMQ |
(Event/Narrow SMQ) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Event/Narrow SMQ) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_INDICATIONS table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Indication) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Indication) HLGT | IND_HLGT | Indication High Level Group Term |
(Indication) HLT | IND_HLT | Indication High Level Term |
(Indication) LLT | IND_LLT | Indication Low Level Term |
(Indication) PT | IND_PREF_TERM_DV | Indication Preferred Term |
(Indication) SOC | IND_SOC | Indication System Organ Class |
(Indication) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Indication) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Indication/derived) Family Name | PROD_EXPOS_FAMILY_NAME_DV | Product family name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Indication/derived) Generic Name | PROD_EXPOS_GENERIC_NAME_DV | Product generic name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Indication/derived) Product Name | PROD_EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_DV | Product name, with exposure name for known study products |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_INGREDIENTS table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Ingredient) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Ingredient) Concentration | CONCENTRATION | Concentration |
(Ingredient) Concentration Unit | CONCENTRATION_UNITS_VE | Concentration unit |
(Ingredient) Ingredient | INGREDIENT_VE | Ingredient |
(Ingredient) Ingredient Sequence Number | ITEM | Ingredient sequence number |
(Ingredient) Product Sequence Number | SEQ_NUM | Product sequence number |
(Ingredient) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Ingredient) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
SM_LAB Table
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_LAB table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Lab) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case Number |
(Lab) Lab Results | LAB_RESULTS | Lab Results |
(Lab) Test Name | LAB_TEST_NAME | Test Name |
(Lab) Valid End | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Lab) Valid Start | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_NARRATIVE table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Narrative) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Narrative) Narrative | NARRATIVE_DV | Narrative |
(Narrative) Type | NARRATIVE_TYPE_DV | Narrative type |
(Narrative) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Narrative) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_NEONATES table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Neonates) APGAR Score #1 | APGAR1 | APGAR score #1 |
(Neonates) APGAR Score #2 | APGAR2 | APGAR score #2 |
(Neonates) APGAR Score #3 | APGAR3 | APGAR score #3 |
(Neonates) Birth Type | BIRTH_TYPE_VE | Birth type |
(Neonates) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Neonates) Delivery Notes | NOTES | Delivery notes |
(Neonates) Delivery Type | DELIVERY_TYPE_VE | Delivery type |
(Neonates) Fetal Outcome | FETAL_OUTCOME_VE | Fetal outcome |
(Neonates) Sort ID | SORT_ID | Neonates sort order |
(Neonates) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Neonates) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Neonates) Weight in Grams | WEIGHT_GRAMS | Weight in grams |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_PARENT_INFO table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Parent Info) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Parent Info) Parent Age | AGE | Parent age |
(Parent Info) Parent Age Unit | AGE_UNIT_VE | Parent age unit |
(Parent Info) Parent Breastfeeding YN | BREASTFEEDING_VE | Y/N: Parent breastfeeding |
(Parent Info) Parent Date of Birth | DOB | Parent date of birth |
(Parent Info) Parent Date of LMP | DATE_OF_LMP | Parent date of LMP |
(Parent Info) Parent Gender | GENDER_VE | Parent's sex |
(Parent Info) Parent Medical History Text | MED_HIST_TEXT | Parent's medical history text |
(Parent Info) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Parent Info) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_PAT_HIST table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Patient History) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Patient History) Condition | CONDITION | Patient history condition |
(Patient History) Condition Continuing YN | CONDITION_CONTINUING_VE | Y/N: Is patient history condition ongoing |
(Patient History) Condition Indication | CONDITION_INDICATION | Patient history indication |
(Patient History) Condition Note | CONDITION_NOTE | Patient history note |
(Patient History) Condition Parent YN | CONDITION_PARENT_YN_VE | Y/N: Patient history condition is for parent |
(Patient History) Condition Reaction | CONDITION_REACTION | Patient history condition reaction |
(Patient History) Condition Sort ID | CONDITION_SORT_ID | Patient history condition sort order |
(Patient History) Condition Type | CONDITION_TYPE_VE | Condition type |
(Patient History) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Patient History) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_PREGNANCY table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Pregnancy) Breastfeeding YN | BREASTFEEDING_YN_VE | Y/N: Breastfeeding |
(Pregnancy) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Pregnancy) Date of LMP | DATE_OF_LMP | Date of LMP |
(Pregnancy) Gestation Exposure Period | GESTATION_EXPOSURE_PERIOD | Weeks from LMP to drug exposure |
(Pregnancy) Number of Fetus | NUMBER_OF_FETUS | Number of fetus |
(Pregnancy) Parent | PARENT_VE | Parent flag |
(Pregnancy) Prospective | PROSPECTIVE_VE | Prospective |
(Pregnancy) Trimester of Exposure | EXP_TRIMESTER_VE | Trimester of exposure |
(Pregnancy) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Pregnancy) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Pregnancy) Weeks at Onset | WEEKS | Weeks at onset |
(Pregnancy) Breastfeeding YN | BREASTFEEDING_YN_VE | Y/N: Breastfeeding |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_PRODUCT table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Drug) Abuse YN | ABUSE_YN_VE | Y/N: Abuse |
(Drug) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Drug) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Drug) Company Drug Code | CO_DRUG_CODE | Company drug code |
(Drug) Dechallenge Date | DECHALL_DATE | Dechallenge date |
(Drug) Dechallenge YNU | DECHALLENGE_VE | Y/N/U: Dechallenge flag |
(Drug) Device YN | DEVICE_YN_VE | Y/N: Device |
(Drug) Drug Sort ID | DRUG_SORT_ID | Drug sort order |
(Drug) Drug YN | DRUG_YN_VE | Y/N: Product is a drug |
(Drug) Duration | DRUG_DURATION_SECONDS | Duration text |
(Drug) Formulation | FORMULATION_VE | Formulation |
(Drug) Indication List | INDICATION_LIST_DV | List of indications for product |
(Drug) Interaction YNU | INTERACTION_YNU_VE | Y/N/U: Drug interaction |
(Drug) Onset Latency | LATENCY_TEXT_DV | Text describing onset latency from first dosage |
(Drug) Overdose YN | OVERDOSE_YN_VE | Y/N: Overdose |
(Drug) Product Exposure Product Name | EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_VE | Product name for exposure product |
(Drug) Product Family Name | PROD_FAMILY_NAME_VE | Product family name |
(Drug) Product Generic Name | PROD_GENERIC_NAME_VE | Product generic name |
(Drug) Product Name | PROD_PRODUCT_NAME_VE | Product name |
(Drug) Product Sequence Number | PROD_SEQ_NUM | Product sequence number |
(Drug) Product Type | DRUG_TYPE_VE | Product type (suspect, concomitant, treatment) |
(Drug) Rechallenge YNU | RECHALLENGE_VE | Y/N/U: Rechallenge performed |
(Drug) Route (Patient) | ROUTE_VE | Route of administration (patient) |
(Drug) Total Dosage | TOTAL_DOSE | Auto-calculated by Argus, based on daily dose, duration, frequency |
(Drug) Total Dosage Units | TOTAL_DOSE_UNIT_VE | Value for the total dosage units |
(Drug) Vaccine YN | VACCINE_YN_VE | Y/N: Product is a vaccine |
(Drug) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Drug) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Drug) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Drug) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
(Drug) WHO Drug Code | WHO_DRUG_CODE | WHO drug code |
(Drug/derived) Drug Duration Text | DRUG_DURATION_TEXT_DV | Drug duration converted to text |
(Drug/derived) Family Name | FAMILY_NAME_VE | Product family name |
(Drug/derived) Preferred Product Name | PREFERRED_PRODUCT_NAME_DV | Drug name variable designed for data mining. Product family name, when available, else the product generic name, else product name. Exposure names are used for known study products. |
(Drug/derived) Preferred PSUR Product Name | PREF_PSUR_PRODUCT_NAME | PSUR Group Name (if defined), otherwise Preferred Product Name |
(Drug/derived) Product Exposure Family Name | PROD_EXPOS_FAMILY_NAME_DV | Product family name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Drug/derived) Product Exposure Generic Name | PROD_EXPOS_GENERIC_NAME_DV | Product generic name, with exposure name for known study products |
(Drug/derived) Product Exposure Name | PROD_EXPOS_PRODUCT_NAME_DV | Product name, with exposure name for known study products |
Information about the Empirica Signal configuration variables from the SM_REPORTERS table follows.
Configuration Variable | Column | Description |
(Report Source) Case Number | CASE_NUM | Case number |
(Report Source) HCP Flag YNU | HCP_YNU_VE | Y/N/U: Reporter is health care professional |
(Report Source) Report Type | REPORTER_TYPE_VE | Report type |
(Report Source) Sort ID | REPORT_SOURCE_SORT_ID | Report source sort order |
(Report Source) ValidEnd | VALIDEND | Valid end date |
(Report Source) ValidStart | VALIDSTART | Valid start date |
Corrected Issues
16381690 - Failed index creation error messages occur
Previously, when validating Argus configurations, error messages regarding failed index creation appeared, but could be ignored. These messages no longer appear.
16381701 - Select Available Values list is not updated for added configuration variables
Previously, if you added variables to the Argus Mart data configurations, and if the Selection Type was designated as Distinct Value List, any new values that appeared for that variable in subsequent data refreshes would not appear in the Select Available Values popup. Users had to type the values directly into the field, rather than use Select Available Values.
In this release, values in the Select Available Values popup include all new values that appear in subsequent data refreshes. Users no longer need to type values into the field. [formerly 20696]
17340224 - After editing Event Hierarchy Version Table in Empirica Signal, data refresh will fail
Previously, after editing the Event Hierarchy Version Table in Empirica Signal subsequent data refreshes failed.
This issue has been fixed. The Event Hierarchy Version Table can be edited within Empirica Signal without causing a failure in subsequent data refreshes.
Known Issues
This section describes issues that are known to exist in the Argus Mart data.
16391714 - Empirica Signal does not support Argus Mart multi-tenant deployment
Multi-tenant deployments are not supported with Empirica Signal.
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Release Notes, Release 8.0
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In this Document
Purpose |
Oracle® Health Sciences Argus Mart Data |
Introduction |
New in the Argus Mart 7.0.3 Release |
MedDRA Standardized MedDRA Query (SMQ) Support |
Argus Mart Data Tables and Views |
Tables |
Additional Views |
Data Configurations |
Data Mining Table Schema |
SM_CASE Table |
SM_DOSE Table |
SM_LAB Table |
Corrected Issues |
Known Issues |
Documentation Accessibility |
Details |