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Table Lookup Node Corrupting String Profile Tags (Doc ID 1970577.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 5.0.2 and later
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)


In all versions of Oracle Network Charging and Control (NCC) which ships the Table Look Up (TBLU) node, a problem exists where if the "Lookup Result target" profile is of type STRING, the string itself can be corrupted resulting in a truncated string or the correct string being replaced with intelligible characters.

It is not obvious when this string has become corrupt unless an attempt is made to use the profile tag (eg. writing to an EDR or comparing it to an expected value etc).

In the slee_acs debug, the following debug may be an indication of the string corruption:

1. The TBLU node extracts the data from a preconfigured table:

2015/02/04 01:50:53  acsTableLookupNodeDB.pcc    77 [27373]        acsMacroNodes     Data returned from query: '<STRING>'
2015/02/04 01:50:53  acsTableLookupNodeDB.pcc    79 [27373]        acsMacroNodes     Data after trim: '<STRING>'

2. An attempt is made to send the string out as an XML element using dapIF:

2015/02/04 01:50:53    1257 [27373]        dapMacroNodes    name: '$TBLU_String', value: '<STRING>'

Despite the Profile Tag being used to populate the XML element is the same as the Profile Tag being written to by the TBLU node, the stored data is no longer the same.


The addition of a TBLU node to a Control Plan to retreive a string from a database table.


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