Saved Search Issues in The UIM UI Screen.
(Doc ID 2078180.1)
Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management - Version 7.2.4 to [Release 7.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.
If you are working with SAVED SEARCHES in UIM UI Search page and see below issues:
1. After tapping ok/cancel/“x” button while in personalization screen, the user is returned to the original saved search: ”Place Search”.
• The following steps may be used for example: load any saved search(not default or which runs automatically); while in that search choose to personalize, tap on either ok/cancel/“x” button and notice that afterwards the original saved search: ”Place Search” is loaded.
2. After choosing to personalize a saved search, if the user browses between other saves search while in the personalization screen it can be observed that the set as default and run automatically fields are not updated accordingly with the saved search which is in view.(not happening when a search is saved as default, because of issue 6)
• The following steps may be used for example: create a saved search with the “Run automatically” option set to ON; while in that search, choose to personalize; while in the personalize screen, browse between other saved searches; Notice that the “set as default” and “run automatically” fields are not updated accordingly with the saved search which is in view.
3. Problems when having a saved search set as default:
- When entering for the first time in place, the attributes and specification are displayed accordingly, but the search’s name is blank;
• The following steps may be used for example: create a new saved search for any specification say "Toponymical Address" by at least one attribute and set it as default; Leave the search screen by tapping for example on the “Custom Objects” from the left part of the screen; Tap on the “Place” button from the left part of the screen in order to return to the search screen; Notice that the attributes and specification are displayed accordingly, but the search’s name is blank.
- After choosing between the saved search which is set as default and the original saved search, the saved search which is set as default becomes identical with the original saved search: “Place Search”.
• The following steps may be used for example: create a new saved search for Toponymical Address by at least one attribute and set it as default; Switch to the original saved search: “Place Search”; Return to the last default saved search; Notice the saved search which is set as default becomes identical with the original saved search: “Place Search”.
4. When choosing to open personalize screen while being in the original saved search: “Place Search”, the “set as default” and “run automatically” fields are greyed out and the user is not able to modify them for any of the saved search which is in view.
• The following steps may be used for example: while in the original saved search: “Place Search”, open the personalize screen and notice that the “set as default” and “run automatically” fields are greyed out and the user is not able to modify them; while in the personalization screen, browse between any of the saved searches and notice that the “set as default” and “run automatically” fields are greyed out and the user is not able to modify them for any of the saved search which is in view.
5. When choosing to personalize any saved search, when the personalize screen is opened the default saved search is displayed even if another saved search was initially chosen.
• The following steps may be used for example: create a new saved search for Toponymical Address and set it as default; Load any other saved search; Choose to personalize that search; Notice when the personalize screen is opened, that the default saved search is displayed even if another saved search was initially chosen.
6. When creating a “run automatically” saved search for Toponymical Address (with administrative area 3 and thoroughfare attributes filled with values) and not having a new default saved search, it can be noticed that after a logout/login when selecting that search multiple errors are received.
• The following steps may be used for example: create a new saved search for Toponymical Address by two attributes(for example: administrative area 3, thoroughfare), complete that attributes field with a value and set the search to run automatically; Logout; Login; Enter in search Place screen and load the previously saved search; Multiple errors are received. A screenshot was attached for more information.
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