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When finalizing the IMD Having Very Less End Reading, The Error “Input Request Field Start Quantity Has An Invalid Value. Invalid numeric Value 6.0E-6.” Is Thrown. (Doc ID 2379716.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 28, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management - Version to [Release 2.1 to 2.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Pending IMDs are not getting finalized. Getting 6.0E-6 is Invalid Numeric error. D1-IMD batch job is not able to finalize few of the IMDs. The error message displayed is "Input request field Start Quantity has an Invalid value. Invalid numeric value 6.0E-6." 

Steps to replicate:

1. Create a device, device configuration and install the device on a service point

2. Create a scalar measuring component with following measurements

Date/Time                               End Reading

2015-01-01-00.00.00               0

2015-01-05-00.00.00               0.000006

2015-01-10-00.00.00               0.000006

3. Submit an initial load IMD on 2015-01-08-00.00.00 with end read 0.000008

4. When finalizing the IMD, the error “Input request field Start Quantity has an Invalid value.

Invalid numeric value 6.0E-6.” is thrown


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