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Effective Date of Reversal Item Is Incorrect When Back Dated Payment Is Made for Account With Multiple BillInfos (Doc ID 2384582.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Payments

Posting a back dated account level payment for an account with multiple billinfos is creating the payment with the correct back-date; however, the reversal payment item created during the process is creating with the current system date.

Scenario is as below :

/item/payment/reversal, which is created on Suspense Account, should have the effective date (PIN_FLD_EFFECTIVE_T) as 25 August.


  1. enable payment_suspense_enable business parameter, restart cm
  2. create CSR plan
  3. create a Suspense account
  4. create product p1 with service ip, monthly cycle forward (mcf), amount = 10$
  5. create product p2 with service email, mcf 20$
  6. create product p3 with service fax, mcf 30$
  7. create deal d1, d2, d3 corresponding to above products
  8. create plan with d1,d2 and d3
    In track balances, create 3 balance groups, one for each service.
  9. create account on 6 AUG with 3 billinfos one for each service (this is done on the Payments section)
  10. run pin_bill_accts on 6 SEP
    3 bills produced for 20$, 40$, and 60$ each.
  11. launch Payment Tool on 6 SEP, select cash payment batch
    11.1  input Batch Amount=70, Batch effective date = 1 SEP, Allocation level = Item.
    11.2  click Ok and provide the Account Number and Payment Amount(70$)
    11.3  check the box to Allocate and click Validate followed by Submit
  12. check /item/payment.effective_t created for customer account and verify that it is 1 SEP
    This works OK.
    select item_no, due,name,poid_type, poid_id0, (effective_t) from item_t where account_obj_id0=300583 order by mod_t;
    P1-3 -10 Payment /item/payment 299110 01-SEP-17 18:40:14
    P1-2 -60 Payment /item/payment 301990 01-SEP-17 18:40:14
  13. check /item/payment/reversal.effective_t created on suspense account and verify that it is 6 SEP
    This is not OK, because the expected value is 1 SEP.
    select item_no, due,name,poid_type, poid_id0, (effective_t) from item_t where account_obj_id0=303608 order by mod_t;
    P1-4 0 Payment Reversal /item/payment/reversal 299622 06-SEP-17 00:38:01





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