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C2M to ODM Asset Location Synchronization Gets Error "Service Point ID Field Missing." (Doc ID 2421350.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter Base - Version to [Release 2.6]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


ODM Asset Location Sync - "Service Point ID field missing."

When creating a service point in C2M 2.6.x , the sync request successfully initiates and creates a corresponding asset location in ODM. The ODM inbound sync request is transitioned to Synchronized status, however the C2M outbound sync request is transitioned to Synchronized with Error status. The error on the C2M sync request has the message “Service Point ID field missing”.

We found that this is due to the D1-ODMSPSyncRequest BO, SYNCHRONIZED status algorithm D1-CAPSPEID attempts to update the C2M SP record with the new Asset Location ID value from ODM. When performing this update, the C2M SP BO X1D-ServicePoint, X1-CCBSPMNT pre-processing algorithm executes to maintain the CCB service point. However, the CCB service point ID is not passed to the script from the sync request. We confirmed this by temporarily inactivating the X1-CCBSPMNT algorithm and reprocessing the sync request.


 "Service Point ID field missing."

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Create SP in C2M
2. Sync to ODM
3. ODM looks good but sync request in C2M is transitioned to Synchronized with Error status

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot have correct sync.




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