Diameter Rating Failed With SYSTEM_ERR
(Doc ID 2435149.1)
Last updated on MARCH 24, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications BRM - Elastic Charging Engine - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
On : version, Diameter Gateway
While performing rating, whenever there is CCA with CREDIT_CEILING_BREACH, ece is not able to generate terminate request CCR/CCA, and instead of terminate request it is generating one more update request and throwing SYSTEM_ERR and active session still continues.
Below is the rating scenario :
Initiate a session, invoke multiple Update sessions with extension of previous session.
Last update session is allowed upto the balance that is available.
Again update session requested with 0 units and reason-code as final (2).
ECE is not disconnecting the active session with terminate call thus blocked active session in the system.
Also there is system error for the last update request with reason-code as final (2).
Steps to reproduce :
1) Create account with base plan which grants 2GB data
2) Consume complete data till credit ceiling breach
3) Verify terminate request passed or not with CCR & CCA in diameter logs
4) Verify Active Session ended or not.
Actual behavior :
1) After consumption full data session its not getting disconnected.
2) Active Session is not getting disconnected
3) After credit ceiling breach, with new session id we are able to perform usage
Expected behavior:
1) After consumption full data session should disconnect.
2) Active Session should disconnect
3) After credit ceiling breach, with new session id rating should not allow
Note: After above issue, if new session starts, ECE is allowing to perform rating which is not expected.
Update details from ECS :
{sessionId = DGW_c12-217-214-139-74-labepg1pcef;1528268477;3258_SI:null_RG:99
status = SUCCESS
operationType = UPDATE}
validityTime = 0
correlationIdentifier = 'null'
adviceOfPriceImpacts = []
adviceOfChargeImpacts = null
grantedUnit = [GrantedUnitImpl
grantedUnits={TOTAL_VOLUME=UnitValue{quantity=0, unit=Bytes}}
creditThresholdBreaches = null
remainingBalanceContainers = null
redirectInformation = null
extendedFields = {}
quantityInfo = {}
quotaAttributes = {}}
SYSTEM_ERR update details:
{sessionId = DGW_c12-217-214-139-74-labepg1pcef;1528268477;3258_SI:null_RG:99
status = FAILURE
operationType = TERMINATE}
validityTime = null
correlationIdentifier = 'null'
adviceOfPriceImpacts = []
adviceOfChargeImpacts = null
grantedUnit = null
creditThresholdBreaches = null
remainingBalanceContainers = null
redirectInformation = null
extendedFields = {}
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In this Document
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Changes |
Cause |
Solution |
References |