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FAQ - Oracle Scheduler Integration - OUAF_BATCH PACKAGE (Doc ID 2454503.1)

Last updated on MAY 21, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Framework - Version and later
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


**Examples provided in this article do not represent real life personal/confidential information**

**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:

OUAF/FW - Oracle Utilities Framework
SQL - Standard Query Language
JMX - Java Management Extensions
API    - Application Programming Interface

OUAF now includes optional interfaces to the Oracle Scheduler which is part of the Oracle Database. These interfaces allow the management of Oracle Scheduler objects and the execution of product batch processes using the scheduling capabilities of the Oracle Scheduler.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
  1. What is Oracle Scheduler?
 2. What Tools can be used for Oracle Scheduler Integration?
 3. What is interface Oracle Utilities Application Framework in conjunction of the Oracle Scheduler?
 4. How does the interface work?
 5. How can I submit jobs?
 6. What parameters can be provide to the Submit_Job
 7. Why OUAF_BATCH.Submit_Job created two batch jobs?
 8. Will be additional job created when submitted the same job from on-line batch jobs?
 9. How can I cancel jobs?
 10. How can I restart failed thread or job?
 11. How can I check the status of submissions in the scheduler?

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