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ClassNotFound Exception is Being Thrown When Trying to Create a New Switch Sheet. CreateSwitchSheetCommand failed to create sheet (Doc ID 2476952.1)

Last updated on APRIL 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Network Management System - Version and later
Oracle Network Management for Utilities - DMS - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Web Switching

Java ClassNotFound Exception is being thrown when tried to Create a new switch sheet.

Hello Team ,

We are getting the Sudden issue while creating the new planned switching sheet

Java ClassNotFound Exception is being thrown when tried to Create a new switch sheet. While checking the logs we could see errors associated to SWMAN_STEP tables. Logs are attached below.

This error appears in the client java log:

2018-11-02 01:34:22,873 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR SHEET: CreateSwitchSheetCommand failed to create sheet
java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: null
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy52.createSwitchPlan(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at com.splwg.oms.fcp.command.CreateSwitchSheetCommand.execute( [nms_client.jar:?]
at com.splwg.oms.jbot.JBotCommand.executeCommand( [nms_client.jar:?]

This error appears in the managed server .out file:

11/02/18 06:59:31: 0x809,ctp=1103c7648,"sql" *ERROR* - sql failed:
  result=-1 error='ORA-00001: unique constraint (NMS_DEV.SWMAN_STEP_PK) violated
  sql=[insert into swman_step(step_cls, step_idx, seq_sheet_id, executed_time, operation_outcome, dev_cls, dev_idx, executed_by, insert_time, act_key, device_alias, step_order, execute_order) values (:step_cls, :step_idx, 1, :when, :descr, :dev_cls, :dev_idx, :who, SYSDATE, 2, :dev_alias, 0, seq_step_exec_order.nextval)]
  step_cls:{3105 3105 3105 3105 }
  step_idx:{11828 11829 11830 11831 }
  dev_cls:{207 207 206 206 }
  dev_idx:{743058 29698 20657 57899 }
  dev_alias:{'XFM:123' 'XFM:456' 'XFM:00759477' 'XFM:00693731' }
  who:{'' '' '' '' }
  descr:{'NFY alarm "Crew contact required for crew NMS_TESTER" created' 'NFY alarm "Crew contact required for crew check" created' 'NFY alarm "Crew contact required for crew test" created' 'NFY alarm "Crew contact required for crew CREW1" created' }
  when:{'11/02/2018 06:59:31' '11/02/2018 06:59:31' '11/02/2018 06:59:31' '11/02/2018 06:59:31' }


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