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The assigned cases disappear after sorting the cases in the "Workflow State" on Personal Argus Status screen (Doc ID 2498089.1)

Last updated on JULY 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety Japan - Version 8.1.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The assigned cases disappear when Argus-J user sorted the assigned cases in the "Workflow state" column on the Personal Argus Status screen.

1. Log-in to Argus with Argus-J user account
2. Go to Dashboard > Personal Argus Status
3. Confirm that the assigned cases are displayed

4. Click the "Workflow state" column header in order to sort by "Workflow state"
5. The assigned cases that was listed at step3 disappeared. No assigned case displays.

1. This issue does not occur when non Argus-J user sorted the assigned case in the "Workflow State".
2. The following error appears in utilities > View Error log

    Application : Argusvr2.exe

    Error Text :
    Argus Safety.COM :- Oracle error 8197 occurred.
    SQL execution error, ORA-00904: "STATE_NAME_J": invalid identifier
    SQL: SELECT case_id, wl_type, owner_id, a2, case_num, report_type,report_type_j, state_name, NVL (product_name,product_name_j) product_name,
    NVL(product_name_j, product_name) product_name_j, NVL (desc_coded, NVL (desc_reptd, desc_reptd_j)) desc_coded,
    NVL (desc_reptd_j, NVL (desc_coded, desc_reptd)) desc_coded_j
    FROM case_worklist cw, lm_report_type lrt, lm_countries lc, cfg_workflow_states cws
    WHERE cw.worklist_owner_id = :P_USER_ID AND cw.rpt_type_id = lrt.rpt_type_id AND cw.country_id = lc.country_id
    AND cw.state_id = cws.state_id AND ROWNUM < 501 order by Upper(state_name_J) asc, UPPER(case_num)
    PL/SQL Call Statck: SQL673 PKG_CONSOLE_COMMON.P_ERROR_LOG1  __anonymous_block




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