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Audit Log For Prospective Radio Button(in Case Pregnancy Information Section) Is Incorrectly Display (Doc ID 2580385.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 04, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety - Version 8.1.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 8.1.2 version,

Audit log for Prospective in the Case Pregnancy Information section incorrectly displays 'CODED' instead of 'PROSPECTIVE'.


-Pick an existing case with Retrospective radio button set.(Case_pregnancy.prospective=2)
-Go to Patient Tab, select the Prospective radio button in the Pregnancy Information section. Save the case.
-Go to Utilities –Logs-View Audit_log, search for the case and check the audit log for the update made to Prospective.
-Old Value is correctly displayed as RETROSPECTIVE, but the new value is displayed as CODED instead of PROSPECTIVE.

Note: Issue cannot be replicated with a new case but happens with existing cases.


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