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Remote Disconnect/Connect Command In 'Completed' State Have Activity Portal UI Issues (Doc ID 2686552.1)

Last updated on MAY 31, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter Base - Version to [Release 2.7]
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management - Version to [Release 2.3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Problem Summary
Remote Disconnect/Connect Command in 'Completed' state have activity portal UI issues

Problem Description
After Remote Disconnect or Remote Connect Command is initiated and completed, the Remote Disconnect/Remote Connect Command Activity is unable to load and display the sections on the right side of the portal. This happens after the Remote Disconnect or Remote Connect is transition from a ‘Waiting for Measurement’ state to a ‘Completed’ state and it disables the user to view and to retrieve information from the activity.

After submitting scalar reads for all the scalar channels for the corresponding Device Configuration, Remote Disconnect/Remote Connect Command Activity transitions from ‘Waiting for Measurement’ state to ‘Completed’ state. After the transition, the sections on the right side of the Remote Disconnect/Remote Connect Command Activity portal which includes Record Actions, Record Information, Bulk Request Information, and Command Information does not load. Also, the measurement section with an incomplete measurement data table is created after the activity transition to ‘Completed’ state. The measurement data table only loads the first read from one scalar channel, the sequence number is not consecutive, and has invalid timestamps.

Steps to create the problem :

Remote Disconnect/Connect Demand
1. Create a Device and Device Configuration
2. Create the scalar measuring components
3. Create a Service Point and install the above meter
4. Initiate a Remote Disconnect Command (or Remote Connect Command )
5. Process the command by clicking the Disconnect (or Connect) option.
6. Outbound Communication is created and submit a response to complete the Outbound Communication. Inbound Communication is created in a ‘Completed’ state. (Used test harness and SoapUI to submit a response)
7. Ensure Completion Event is created and execute the Completion Event.
8. Repeat the step above to ensure all the Outbound Communication and Inbound Communication are in a ‘Completed’ state.
9. Remote Disconnect Command activity is in ‘Waiting for Measurement’ state.
10. Create a regular scalar reads for all the scalar channels in the Device Configuration with the date of Remote Disconnect activity creation date. (Used SoapUI to submit the read)
11. Run the D1-CRWT batch and after the batch is completed ensure the Remote Disconnect Command activity transitioned to ‘Completed’ state.
12. Sections on the right side of the Remote Disconnect Command activity portal is not being loaded. The measurement data table only includes the first read, has invalid timestamps, and sequence is not consecutive.



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