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ItemLocCre and ItemLocMod Messages Fail in SIM/EICSWith 'Cannot have orderable item without a primary supplier' Error (Doc ID 2690873.1)

Last updated on MAY 01, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management - Version 16.0 and later
Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service - Version 19.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When Retail Merchandising Cloud Service (MFCS) item/location ranging occurs using either a parent level/style item to range transaction level items to a store, or when transaction level items themselves are directly ranged to a store in MFCS, ItemLocCre staged messages are also being created to attempt to insert the parent level item to to the STORE_ITEM table which fail in the MPS_STAGED_MESSAGE table with the following error. This happens in Retail Store Inventory Management (RSIM) and Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (REICS)


Steps to Reproduce:

1. Range a parent item without adding supplier information.
2. Make sure Apply modifications to child items is checked in add locations screen.
3. ItemLocCre message is published for parent item and child items to SIM.
4. ItemLocCre consumed successfully in SIM for child items.
5. ItemLocCre Message for parent item fails in the MPS_STAGED_MESSAGE table. 

Similarly, ItemLocMod messages that are published by MFCS fail in SIM/EICS.




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