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Disable Service Orchestrator Not Generating Activity To Disconnect Device (Doc ID 2702073.1)

Last updated on MAY 31, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management - Version to [Release 2.2 to 2.3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Disable Service Orchestrator Not Generating Activity to Disconnect Device

For a disable service orchestrator, it is expected that SGG command or field activity is created to disconnect the meter from customer's service point.
This happens when an enter algorithm "are device and SP ready" is executed in disable service.

Test steps -
1. 1. In MDM, find an SP with:  
a. An active usage subscription (no end date) US1
b. Another active usage subscription. US 2
c. An installed and connected device.
2. Navigate to the account associated with this SP in CCB and click the stop service button

3. In the Start Stop page, add today's date and fill out the `Stop Requested By' field. Click stop to generate the Pending Stop.
4. Navigate back to the service point in MDM and verify that the Disable Service Orchestrator was invoked and did not create a field activity:
5. Verify that the second usage subscription (US2) does not have an end date and the first Usage subscription (US1) now has an end date.

Also -
a. Disable service orchestrator is generated.
b. But, turn off field activity is not generated.

Expected Result -
The expected behavior is to have the D1-UpdDvc script generate the command/field activity if the billing usage subscription has ended, and not evaluate all usage subscriptions at the SP.



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