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Bills Are Completed With No FT Linked To Them (Doc ID 2720564.1)

Last updated on MAY 31, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing - Version to [Release 2.7]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


FT-Financial Transaction

On : version, ENV - Environment
Bills are completed with no FT linked to them,below are the 3 Scenarios.
1) Account no Temp Bill Message and create bill with no FT - cannot complete as error stating bill has no FT will appear.
2) Account with Temp Bill Message and create bill with no FT (but with Bill Message due to Temp) - can complete.
3) Same bill in scenario 2 - reopen and complete but now cannot complete due to error stating bill has no FT will appear.

This bill has no bill segments or financial transactions linked to it. Either delete this bill or complete it after generating some financial transactions. (6/12407)

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1) Account no Temp Bill Message and create bill with no FT - cannot complete as error stating bill has no FT will appear.
2) Account with Temp Bill Message and create bill with no FT (but with Bill Message due to Temp) - can complete.
3) Same bill in scenario 2 - reopen and complete but now cannot complete due to error stating bill has no FT will appear.




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