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CreditNoteAutoMatch Batch is Updating a Fixed Deal Generated CNR And CN As MTCH Status (Doc ID 2741643.1)

Last updated on APRIL 11, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Invoice Matching - Version 14.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Even there is a discrepancy between Credit Note Request (CNR) & Credit Note (CN) generated from fixed deal the CreditNoteAutoMatch is matching the documents.

Steps To Recreate:

  1. Create a fixed deal with an income of $10000.
  2. Generate the CNR for the deal with the value of $10000.
  3. Create a CN to match the generated CNR with the value of $100000.
  4. Run reimposting batch.
  5. Run reimcreditnoteautomatch batch.
  6. Notice that both the documents are getting matched.




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