Data Selection Tool (DST) Provisioning Plan Migration Problem. Task Type Data Created Incorrectly in TOOL_NM Column of TASK_TYPE Table.
(Doc ID 2743216.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 06, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution - Version 6.3.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
The DST application does NOT correctly create a task in the TASK_TYPE table when migrating a Provisioning Plan from the <SOURCE> to the <TARGET> database. Because of this, the new task is NOT listed in the Task Types window (w_task_type_list) of the <TARGET> database even though it is visible on the associated/migrated Provisioning Plan's Task Assignment, Task Dependencies and Pert Chart tabs as expected.
Recreation Steps
1. Open a tbs.exe client and connect to the <SOURCE> database.
2. <SOURCE> Create a new Provisioning Plan with two tasks (example; APP and DD).
* NOTE: Configure APP and DD as non-System Task and assign to non-System queues.
3. Open another tbs.exe client and connect to the <TARGET> database.
4. <TARGET> Create an identical new Provisioning Plan (same Plan Name, Plan Type, Service Type Group, Organization, Jurisdiction, Task Types, Work Queues and Dependencies including APP and DD as non-System Task and assigned to non-System queues).
5. <SOURCE> Create new Task Type which will be a System Task (example below)
- Task Type = DSTTEST
- Description = DST Test Task Type
- System Task = Y
- Execution Point = Ready
6. Open the Data Selection Tool used for migrating Provisioning Plans (executed/accessed via run.bat file) and connect to the <SOURCE> database.
7. Click the Prov Plan button on the primary tool bar to load the data.
* Note the Prov Plan data loads in the Provision Plan Imp/Exp window sorted by Organization (subfolders sorted by Jurisdiction then Service Type Group, then Plan Name).
8. Click the Target L*gon button on the primary tool bar and connect to the <TARGET> database (the Prov Plan data will load automatically).
9. On the <SOURCE> side of the Provision Plan Imp/Exp window, navigate to the Prov Plan by expanding its related Organization, Jurisdiction and Service Type Group.
10. Click on the Prov Plan then expand to list its Task Types.
* Note the Task Types, sequences, work queues, and dependencies.
APP seq-1 wq-AAA Depends-None
DD seq-2 wq-AAA Depends-(plan_id)APP
DSTTEST seq-3 wq-SYSTEM Depends-(plan_id)DD
11. On the <TARGET> side of the Provisioning Plan Imp/Exp window, navigate to the identical Prov Plan.
12. Click on the Prov Plan then expand to list its Task Types.
* Note the Task Types, sequences, work queues, and dependencies.
APP seq-1 wq-AAA Depends-None
DD seq-2 wq-AAA Depends-(plan_id)APP
13. Click the Migrate button in the Provisioning Plan Imp/Exp window.
14. Click OK on the Migrate Plan Dialog window (no need to select "Replace with" check-boxes).
15. Click YES to the "Are you sure you want to Overwrite it?" warning message on the Migration Warning Duplicate Plans window.
16. Click CLOSE to the Plan Migration Log window.
* Note its content.
Migrating Provision Plan Data
>>Updated Plan - (plan_id) DST TEST
--Removed Plan Task records for 'DST TEST'
--Task - (1) APP
--Task - (2) DD
----Insert Task Dependencies - Plan (plan_id) Task APP
--Insert TaskType - DSTTEST
--Task - (3) DSTTEST
----Insert Task Dependencies - Plan (plan_id) Task DD
Migration Complete
* Note the <TARGET> database Prov Plan data automatically reloads.
* Note the Task Type from the <SOURCE> database was migrated to the <TARGET> database.
APP seq-1 wq-AAA Depends-None
DD seq-2 wq-AAA Depends-(plan_id)APP
DSTTEST seq-3 wq-SYSTEM Depends-(plan_id)DD
17. Using the tbs.exe client connected to the <TARGET> database, navigate to the Task Types window.
* Note the DSTTEST task is NOT listed.
18. Using the tbs.exe client connected to the <TARGET> database, navigate the Provisioning Plan window for the DST TEST plan.
* Note the DSTTEST task is displayed on the Task Assignment, Task Dependencies and Pert Chart tabs as expected.
19. Using the query below, connect to both databases using Oracle SQL Developer and observe the data in the ASAP.TASK_TYPE.TOOL_NM column.
New Task Type was created in the <SOURCE> database and related to an existing Provisioning Plan which also existed in the <TARGET> databases, but the Task Type did not.
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In this Document
Symptoms |
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Cause |
Solution |
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