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Additional Character Inserter after Space when Exporting Data to .xls format (Doc ID 2791805.1)

Last updated on JULY 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Life Sciences Data Management Workbench - Version 3.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On Oracle Life Sciences Data Management Workbench (DMW) 3.0.0 if the same data from Listings contains a space character, the corresponding strings exported to .csv and .xls format are different.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Login DMW UI.
2. Select a test study.
3. Go to Listings.
4. Select a table that includes space chars in the values assigned to the columns. (e.g. : "TEST INPUT")
5. Export the data in .xls format.
6. Export the data in .csv format.
7. Open a new .xlsx file.
8. Compare the values for the same field from csv file and xls:
        - in the first column enter the value collected from .csv doc (obtained at step 5)
        - in the second column enter the value collected from the .xls doc (obtained at step 6)
        - in the third column enter the value '=IF($A1=$B2; "Equal_Values";"Different_Values")'
9. Note the value displayed in C1 cell:




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