Plug-in Driven Batch - Executing a Data Fix
(Doc ID 2834037.1)
Last updated on MAY 13, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Utilities Framework - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
Implementing a Data Fix with a Plug-in Driven Batch
This guide provides a brief overview of what a plug-in driven batch is and how it can be leveraged to execute a data fix that is quick to implement and much safer that direct SQL updates. This doesn't go into details about plug-in driven batches in general, for that please refer to the online help topic "Processing System Records". Furthermore, this guide assume you have a solid knowledge of SQL and OUAF scripting such that it does not explain details of the code snippets provided.
For those unfamiliar, a plug-in driven batch is a batch control defined with a the Java class com.splwg.base.domain.batch.pluginDriven.PluginDrivenGenericProcess. This class orchestrates the execution of a Select Records plugin spot and a Process Records plug-in spot which mimic the functionality typically found in the Java based batch controls.
To leverage this type of batch for a data fix we will use the select records plugin spot to identify the records that require fixing and use a plug-in script (Groovy is also possible) to perform the fix. This will leverage the following:
A batch control (using F1-PDBG as a template)
A Select Records plug-in script
A Process Records plug-in script
Optionally you can either use BI publisher or define a zone for testing the query if you are working in a cloud environment.
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