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Attribute Value Shown as Blank In Search Result for Exclude Item from Rollup List Attribute (Doc ID 2882937.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Actual Behavior

Wrong attribute value shown in search result for specific item. When executing a Search the value of the Exclude Item from Rollup list attribute is shown as blank but when opening the item, see there is value displayed in the field.

Expected Behavior

The attribute value shown in the search result to be correct. When executing a Search the value of the Exclude Item from Rollup list attribute to show the correct value in the search result.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Log into Web Client, and run Advanced Search to search for Parts.
    Click Format, and include Exclude Item from Rollup list field to the Displayed Fields.
  2. In the search result, see there is an item which shows Exclude Item from Rollup list field as blank
  3. Open the item from the search result. See Exclude Item from Rollup list field in the Title Block Page shows 'No'.
  4. Export the search result to Excel file.
  5. Open the exported Excel file. See even in the exported Excel file, Exclude Item from Rollup list field shows as blank for the item




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