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DUE_IND Computed As N For Wh-stocked WH Replenishment For Dynamic When Due_order_processing is N (Doc ID 2918053.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 26, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Merchandising System - Version 16.0.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


DUE_IND computed as N for wh-stocked WH replenishment for dynamic when due_order_processing = N leading to no order being generated.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Create an Approved item.
  2. Create an Approved Simple Pack for the Item with component qty = 4.
  3. Range both the Component Item and Simple Pack to a Warehouses and 2 Store.
  4. Create Daily Forecasts for the Store.
  5. Ensure that component item has some inventory.
  6. Put the item on Replenishment
  7. Put the store on Constant WH replenishment every day with Replenishment order Control = 'Manual' (M). Set the Simple Pack up as it's primary replenishment Pack. The Source WH I'll refer to as WH A.
  8. Put WH A on Dynamic WH replenishment. Set the Simple Pack up as it's primary replenishment Pack.
  9. Run RMS Replenishment batches
  10. Observe that due_ind is computed as N which is incorrect.


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