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Alloc Detail Del, Doesn’t Delete The Detail In WMS Cloud (Doc ID 2940118.1)

Last updated on APRIL 06, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Integration Bus - Version 19.0.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a store location is fully deleted from an allocation, related order remains active in LogFire WMS.

Steps To Recreate:

1. Create an allocation for an item to 2 stores and approve it.
2. Notice that there are 2 orders created in LogFire WMS - one for each store location.
3. Using IGS Webservice call, delete one location store from the allocation.
4. Notice that both AllocDtlDel and AllocFulRep records are created in ALLOC_MFQUEUE .
5. Notice that USM shows SOFulRep message successfully integrated.
6. Nothing happened to the order for deleted allocation store location in WMS.


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