Averify Critical Sequence Errors Like AGIL-00000007, AGIL-00025056, AGIL-00025060, AGIL-00025066 Still Reported After Running Fix Scripts for Agile Database Running on RAC Instance
(Doc ID 2940520.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Any of the below Critical (C) Averify errors are reported repeatedly with Averify even after running fix script on the Agile database where its running on Oracle Real Applications Clusters (RAC) Database Instance
AGIL-00000007 : C : ACTIVITY table has bad data (ACTIVITY Table ID is greater than the SEQ_ACTIVITY_ID Current Value xxxxxx)
AGIL-00000007 : C : TEAM table has bad data (TEAM Table ID is greater than the SEQ_ACTIVITY_ID Current Value xxxxxx)
AGIL-00025056 : C : PROPERTYTABLE : table has bad data at id = xxxx(Table ID is greater than the Sequence ID xxxx)
AGIL-00025060 : C : CHANGE_HISTORY table has bad data (Table ID:xxxx is greater than the Sequence ID xxxx )
AGIL-00025066 : C : ITEM_HISTORY table has bad data (Table ID: xxxx is greater than the Sequence ID xxxx
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Stop Agile Application Server
2. Configure %Averify_Home%\config\averify.properties file
3. Run averify.bat/averify.sh from %Averify_Home%\bin
4. Check oracle_averify_report.log generated under %Averify_Home%\logs. See the C type Averify errors
5. Login to sqlplus as agile database user, and run either of the below fix script matching the reported error provided from support.
6. Run averify.bat/averify.sh from %Averify_Home%\bin
7. Check oracle_averify_report.log generated under %Averify_Home%\logs. Still see the same error
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