RIB Considers Messages with Business Errors as Poison
(Doc ID 2941915.1)
Last updated on JULY 23, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Retail Integration Bus - Version 16.0.3 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Adapters shut down in RIB with the JMSXDeliveryCount error. The problem is that the messages are determined as Poison have business errors, such as the following:
Error from {call RMSSUB_XTSF.CONSUME(?,?,?,?)}: [E] Error ORA-00001: unique constraint (RMS.PK_TSFHEAD) violated devuelto por la unidad de programa RMSSUB_XTSF_SQL.CREATE_HEADER.
Error from {call RMSSUB_XTSF.CONSUME(?,?,?,?)}: [E] Ya existe el número de transferencia. (Transfer number already exists)
Error from {call RMSSUB_XTSF.CONSUME(?,?,?,?)}: [E] Las tiendas de origen y destino no pueden ser iguales. (The origin and destination stores can't be the same)
We found a similar issue in Doc ID 2154104.1, but it only has solutions for 15.0 and below.
Could you please provide a solution for our version (16.0.3)?
"JMSXDeliveryCount(6) is greater than the MAX_REDELIVERY_THRESHOLD(5) count, this message is determined as a POISON message, its being re-delivered by the JMS, hence writing this message to the file system and shutting down the adapter."
Steps to Reproduce
1. Generate a few volumes of RIB messages (~200) with business exceptions in them.
2. Publish those messages directly onto RIB Topic for subscriber adapter consumption.
3. Notice that even though messages are valid but have business exceptions, they are considered and failed as poisonous resulting in adapter shutdown.
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In this Document
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