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Batch Validation Job Fails with 'TMS Internal Error Thesaurus Corrupted' Error (Scenario: Entered Term Contains 'Double Space'). (Doc ID 2954297.1)

Last updated on JUNE 09, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Clinical - Version 5.2.1 and later
Oracle Thesaurus Management System - Version 5.3.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Batch Validation job fails with the 'TMS Internal ErrorThesaurus Corrupted' error i.e. the Batch Validation log file contains:

TMS Thesaurus Validation Execution
calling TMS_OCL_DERV.DERIVATION first time 
TMS Internal ErrorThesaurus Corrupted
Report to TMS Administrator.
Batch Validation aborted due to an error


Please see attached testcase document which demonstrates the error scenario (click here to download).

If TMS Derivation is executed in debug mode then the following error is logged in the OPA_DEBUG table:

calling fullautocode 10401,JVSTUDY01,JVPROJ,JVMS02WC,INV1,62001,Action needed in External SystemDM REVIEW,SxxxS
Entering pterm: DOUBLE  SPACE2 nCodingDomID: 22 nCodDictID: 815 nBDictId: 815 VDictId:  pInd:  pRoute:
Found Source Term: Term=DOUBLE  SPACE2 Sid=1640001
Term with this Sid already classified, but Sid came in as new omission with owner not as TMS





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