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ScpAuthorities Configuration For Different Models Of 5G Deployment (Doc ID 2973552.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications BRM - Elastic Charging Engine - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) version,

The following terms will be used throughout this document:

SMF -  Session Management Function.
SCP -  Services Communications Proxy
CHF -  Charging Function
PCF -  Policy Control Function
SNR - Spending Limit Notification
RAR - Reauthorization Request

Consider a 5G Deployment where some of the httpGatways are connected to SMF via SCP (SMF -> SCP -> CHF) via Model C, however, other httpGateways are directly connected to PCF (PCF -> CHF) via Model B

Now, while configuring scpAuthorities, it is observed that they are Global Configurations valid for all httpGateways. During normal Nchf requests/answer, they do not foresee any issue, however (as per the above Integration Points):
1. If scpAuthorities are configured, then CHF will try to connect to PCF via SCP while sending SNR.
2. If scpAuthorities are not configured, then CHF will try to connect directly with SMF for RAR (as per notifURI parameter received in request)

How one can overcome the above issue that may stop RAR/SNR functionalities for operators having similar architecture?

Here for the above similar architecture, the Global scpAuthorities configuration/ or lack of it limits the functionalities of Nchf_SpendingLimitControl_Notify or Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Notify

An Enhancement Request is needed to have local scpAuthorities configuration (per httpGw) such that httpGws used to integrate with different 5G Network Nodes should not be impacted

1. It will affect multiple Operators in the world trying to implement 5G having similar architecture
2. Intertwines different integrations
3. Restrictive configuration and does not allow different architecture.


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