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Voucher Batch Generation Using Provisioning Interface (Doc ID 3036844.1)

Last updated on JULY 25, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller (OC3C) version,

Customer have a requirement to generate voucher batches using Provisioning Interface. Currently voucher batches can be generated using GUI or command line. Provisioning interface allows to generate only single voucher, they need batch generation.

Below is a sample use case:

1. Voucher reseller request for set of vouchers in reseller management platform.
2. Order for vouchers generate is going to OC3C
3. Voucher batch is generated and transferred to reseller management platform
4. After successfully payment voucher PINs are passed to reseller
5. Order to activate vouchers is going to OC3C


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