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Adjusting The Full Billing Time Cycle Tax Of The Bill. (Doc ID 3063202.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Adjusting the full billing time cycle tax of the bill.

Customer have a requirement where Customer may get tax exemption from Federal government, and we will have to adjust the complete cycle tax applied on a bill. Below is the scenario:

Jan 1: Create a customer A having below products.
a) MCF Product X ($100) and MCF Product B ($200). Both have 10% billing time tax configured.
b) MCF Product C ($300) and MCF D ($400) without any tax.
Feb 1: Bill the customer.
March 1: Bill the customer.
/item/cycle_forward with $1000
/item/cycle_tax with $30

March 5: Want to adjust only the $30 billing time tax. How can this be achieved?

Out Of the Box item level tax only adjustment is not supported so how to perform event level adjustment only for cycle_tax contains more than 4k usage events attached

How can customer do this contains huge number of usage events(>4k)?


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