FA: SCM: OM: Importing Orders Using FBDI Fails With: This error occurs in source order <xxxxx>, on source order line <y>, source item name , source item <nnnnnnn>.
(Doc ID 2432420.1)
Last updated on AUGUST 24, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud Service - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
An error is reported when importing orders using FDBI as described in :- Importing Orders in Order Management using a Spreadsheet - FBDI - An Example (Doc ID 2212369.1).
Batch Name: PMC013
Source System: OPS
Order Number: null
Sold To Customer Name: null
Sold To Customer Number: null
createdWithinLastNDays: null
Allow Auto Purge: Y
subBatchName: 32619-SUB_BATCH-1
Order management did not import source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003 because of the following error: This error occurs in source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003, on source order line 1, source item name , source item 300,000,001,688,530..
Number of orders that were imported: 0. Check the run time user interface for processing status.
Number of orders that did not pass validation: 1. Some of these orders may be available in the order entry user interface.
Overall Result : ERROR
Source System: OPS
Order Number: null
Sold To Customer Name: null
Sold To Customer Number: null
createdWithinLastNDays: null
Allow Auto Purge: Y
subBatchName: 32619-SUB_BATCH-1
Order management did not import source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003 because of the following error: This error occurs in source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003, on source order line 1, source item name , source item 300,000,001,688,530..
Number of orders that were imported: 0. Check the run time user interface for processing status.
Number of orders that did not pass validation: 1. Some of these orders may be available in the order entry user interface.
Overall Result : ERROR
NOTE: The error text does not show an error, the error description is misleading.
Order management did not import source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003 because of the following error: This error occurs in source order URM-FBDI-15112018-003, on source order line 1, source item name , source item 300,000,001,688,530.
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