Asset Inquiry Displays "NBV Before Impairment" Amount From Cash Generating Unit (CGU) Instead Of From Individual Asset
(Doc ID 2766509.1)
Last updated on APRIL 04, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Fusion Assets Cloud Service - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
After doing an impairment on a Cash Generating Unit (CGU), then accessing one of the assets part of this CGU in Asset Inquiry, the field "NBV Before Impairment" from the Impairment transaction displays the amount corresponding to the CGU instead of the one corresponding to the individual asset.
As a comparison, after doing an Impairment Reversal on the asset, the "NBV Before Impairment" from the Impairment Reversal transaction displays the amount corresponding to the individual asset. NOTE: this impairment reversal was done directly on the asset, so not on the CGU.
Expected behavior is to see the amount corresponding to the individual asset in Asset Inquiry.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. impair CGU
2. go to Asset Inquiry -> search and access an asset which is part of that CGU
3. go to Transactions tab -> select the Impairment transaction
4. review the table from bottom of screen related to this transaction. The "NBV Before Impairment" shows the NBV amount corresponding to the CGU, not the individual asset.
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