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Contract Upload Columns Not Mapping Error (Doc ID 2836174.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 04, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Fusion Project Billing Cloud Service - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Manage Contract

Contract upload CSV issue


The following columns in your import file have not been mapped to the target attributes:

ExtSource , ExtKey , BillPlanLang , SourceLangFlag , BillMethodId , BillMethodName , BillMethodFlag , BillPlanName , BillPlanDesc , BillSetNum , OnHoldFlag , BillToCustAcctId , BillToCustAcctNumber , BillToContactId , BillToContactName , BillToContactEmail , InvoiceCurrencyOptCode , InvCurrOptMeaning , PaymentTermId , PaymentTermName , BillingCycleId , BillingCycleName , FirstBillingOffsetDays , LaborInvoiceFormatId , LaborInvoiceFormatName , NlInvoiceFormatId , NlInvoiceFormatName , EventsInvoiceFormatId , EventsInvoiceFormatName , EmpBillRateSchId , EmpBillRateSchName , LaborSchFixedDate , LaborDiscountPercentage , LaborDiscountReasonCode , LaborDiscReasonMeaning , NlBillRateSchId , NlBillRateSchName , NlSchFixedDate , NlDiscountPercentage , NlDiscountReasonCode , NlDiscReasonMeaning , JobBillRateSchId , JobBillRateSchName , BurdenSchId , BurdenSchName , BurdenSchFixedDate , EnableLbrBillXtnsnFlag , EnableNlBillXtnsnFlag , LaborTpScheduleId , LaborTpScheduleName , LaborTpSchFixedDate , NlTpScheduleId , NlTpScheduleName , NlTpSchFixedDate , InvoiceCurrencyCode , InvoiceCurrRateType , InvCurrRateUserConvType , InvoiceCurrDateType , InvCurrDateTypeMeaning , InvoiceCurrExchgDate , InvoiceComment , InvoiceInstructions , LaborBillBasisCode , LaborBillBasisMeaning , LaborMarkupPercentage , NlBillBasisCode , NlBillBasisMeaning , NlMarkupPercentage , InvHdrGroupingOptions , AttributeCategory , Attribute1 , Attribute2 , Attribute3 , Attribute4 , Attribute5 , Attribute6 , Attribute7 , Attribute8 , Attribute9 , Attribute10 , Attribute11 , Attribute12 , Attribute13 , Attribute14 , Attribute15


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

The user is trying to load the contract data using CSV file from Import management but for the Bill plan load is encountering the unmapped columns error.


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