Unable To Publish Messages Via RIB-EXT
(Doc ID 2847721.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 02, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service - Version 19.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Users are unable to publish messages, via RIB-EXT
Getting below error in RIB Console
(PlsqlApplicationMessageInjectorClient.java:165) - Error while calling Injector Service. javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: Problem communicating with OAuth Server(https://<IDCS Url>/oauth2/v1/token). at org.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Publish an Order Message via SOAP UI using the below WSDL
https://<RICS Host>/rib-ext/ApplicationMessagePublishingServiceBean/ApplicationMessagePublishingService?wsdl
2. Using the attached data - input.xml
3. Will a receive Publish Done message, however, the order is not published onto the database
4. The message not waiting on ETXORDER subscriber
5. However on checking the RIB Logs, the below error appears
(PlsqlApplicationMessageInjectorClient.java:165) - Error while calling Injector Service. javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: Problem communicating with OAuth Server(https://<IDCS Url>/oauth2/v1/token). at org.
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