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SUB Hospital Retry AQ1 in RIB-RMS Keeps Going Down (Doc ID 2914442.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 01, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service - Version NA and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In RIB-RMS, SUB Hospital Retry AQ1 adapter kept going down when started. 

Below error seen in sub_hosp_0.rib.log:

2022-12-02 02:07:04,561 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.PersistenceManager ( - Current EntityManager impl instance(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl@bfdb8a7).
2022-12-02 02:07:04,561 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - Executing query=Delete from RIB_MESSAGE_FAILURE where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ?1 and in_queue = ?2 and reason_code = ?3 and delete_pending = ?4)
2022-12-02 02:10:45,547 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - 1148745 records deleted from table RIB_MESSAGE_FAILURE .
2022-12-02 02:10:45,547 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - Executing query=Delete from RIB_MESSAGE_ROUTING_INFO where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ?1 and in_queue = ?2 and reason_code = ?3 and delete_pending = ?4)
2022-12-02 02:10:45,549 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - 0 records deleted from table RIB_MESSAGE_ROUTING_INFO .
2022-12-02 02:10:45,549 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - Executing query=Delete from RIB_MESSAGE_HOSPITAL_REF where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ?1 and in_queue = ?2 and reason_code = ?3 and delete_pending = ?4)
2022-12-02 02:10:45,551 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - 0 records deleted from table RIB_MESSAGE_HOSPITAL_REF .
2022-12-02 02:10:45,551 DEBUG [Timer-108] impl.HospitalDaoImpl ( - Executing query=Delete from RIB_MESSAGE where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ?1 and in_queue = ?2 and reason_code = ?3 and delete_pending = ?4)
2022-12-02 02:21:41,065 ERROR [Timer-108] j2ee.ErrorHospitalRetryEjb ( - Exception thrown during retry.
oracle.retail.rib.common.exception.PersistenceException: Unable to execute delete query.
exception id: 1669947701065
at [rib-private-kernel-19.1.000.jar:?]
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop( [?:1.8.0_341]
at [?:1.8.0_341]
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.7.v20210201-5edd0eb): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

Error Code: 1013
Call: Delete from RIB_MESSAGE where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ? and in_queue = ? and reason_code = ? and delete_pending = ?)
bind => [jms1, 0, SUB, 1]
Query: DataModifyQuery(sql="Delete from RIB_MESSAGE where message_num in (select message_num from rib_message where jms_queue_id = ? and in_queue = ? and reason_code = ? and delete_pending = ?)")



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